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Azure AI Translator pricing

Easily conduct machine translation with a simple REST API call

Microsoft Translator is a cloud-based machine translation service supporting multiple languages, reaching more than 95% of world's gross domestic product (GDP). Use Translator to build applications, websites, tools, or any solution requiring multi-language support.

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Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using London closing spot rates that are captured in the two business days prior to the last business day of the previous month end. If the two business days prior to the end of the month autumn on a bank holiday in major markets, the rate setting day is generally the day immediately preceding the two business days. This rate applies to all transactions during the forthcoming month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current programme/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing.

F0 - Free

Features Price
Standard Translation 2 million characters of any combination of standard translation and customised translation training free per month
Text Translation
Language Detection
Bilingual Dictionary
Custom Translation

S1 – Pay as you go

Features Price
Standard Translation
Text Translation $- per million characters
Language Detection
Bilingual Dictionary
Document Translation $- per million characters
Custom Translation
Text Translation $- per million characters
Document Translation
Training $- per million source + target characters of training data (max. $300/training)
Custom model hosting $- per hosted custom translation model per region, per month

Commitment Tiers

Instance Features Price (per month) Overage
Azure - S1 Standard Translation $- per 250 million characters $- per million characters
$- per billion characters $- per million characters
$- per 4,000 million characters $- per million characters
Connected container - S1
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Standard Translation $- per 250 million characters $- per million characters
$- per billion characters $- per million characters
$- per 4,000 million characters $- per million characters

Disconnected containers

Features Price per year Max usage per year Projected usage per month
Standard $- 120B Billed Units 10B Billed Units
$- 48B Billed Units 4B Billed Units

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Volume discount

Please note that Instances S2, S3, and S4 instances have been deprecated. For discounted rates on standard translation, please use Commitment Tiers.

Features Instance C2 Instance C3 Instance C4 Instance D3
Document Translation
Using standard translation
$- per million characters of document translation $- per million characters of document translation $- per million characters of document translation $-/month
675 million characters per month included
Overage: $- per million characters
Custom Translation
Text Translation $-/month
Up to 62.5 million characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
Up to 250 million characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
Up to 2.5 billion characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
$40 per million characters of customised translation
Document Translation $-/month
Up to 62.5 million characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
Up to 250 million characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
Up to 2.5 billion characters per month
Overage: $- per million characters
$40 per million characters of document translation
Training $- per million source + target characters of training data (max. $300/training) $- per million source + target characters of training data (max. $300/training) $- per million source + target characters of training data1 $10 per million source + target characters of training data (max. $300/training)
Custom model hosting $- per hosted custom translation model per region, per month $- per hosted custom translation model per region, per month $- per hosted custom translation model per region, per month $- per hosted custom translation model per region, per month

1Charged for the first 30 million characters of training data, all characters afterwards are free.

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Azure AI Translator

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  • Standard Translation is an easy one-step process, in which you provide an input sentence and Azure's pre-trained models translate them into a target language. By contrast, Custom Translation is a two-step process, in which first you train your own models using training data you upload to the translation service. Once your model has been trained, you can perform the translation as you would with Standard Translation.

  • There are three billed activities that you can perform during Custom Translation:

    1. Model hosting: Hosting a model means that it is available to use for Custom Translation. You are charged a flat fee for every model that is hosted during a billing period. This is NOT pro-rated if the model is hosted for less than the full month.
    2. Training: Every time you train a model, you are charged a fee for every character in the training data. You are charged for characters in both the source and target languages of the training set, but there is a cap to how much you can be charged for any given training run, no matter how many characters are in your training data. This cap applies to each training run, i.e. you would be charged if you were to re-run the same set.
    3. Translation: You are charged for every character of text translated by your Custom Translation model.
  • The S1 instance’s commitment tiers are designed to provide discounts for users who require high volumes of Standard Translation (not Custom Translation) every month. While a discount is offered on the Standard Translation rates, the S1 instance’s commitment tiers do not include discounts on Custom Translation.

    The C2-C4 instance tiers are intended to provide discounts to customers who regularly perform high volumes of Custom Translation. While a discount is offered on the Custom Translation rates, C2-C4 tiers do not include discounts on Standard Translation.

  • In order to receive discounts on both Standard and Customised Translation, you will need to allocate an S1 instance with a specified commitment tier AND a separate C2-C4 instance, directing Standard Translation to the S1 instance and Customised Translation to the C2-C4 instance.

  • Azure AI Translator is a non-regional resource and will be available regardless of the region where you create the resource.

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