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General availability: Automatic OS image upgrade in virtual machine scale sets

Published date: 26 September, 2018

Automatic OS image upgrade in virtual machine scale sets is now generally available.

After you enable this feature for your scale sets, when a new OS image is published with the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements, your scale sets and Azure Service Fabric clusters can receive these updates automatically. The new image will roll out to the VMs in your scale sets in batches based on preconfigured health probes to check for application issues. You can monitor the status of upgrades programmatically or through an out-of-the-box experience in the Azure portal. To learn more about this capability and to start enabling it for your VMs in VM scale sets, see this documentation

Virtual machine scale sets offer several other capabilities to easily manage a group of Azure virtual machines and achieve elasticity at scale. To learn more, see the documentation about virtual machine scale sets.




  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Virtual Machines
  • Services