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mai 2023

23 mai

General Availability: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is now Generally Available.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Prometheus managé
  • Grafana géré par Azure
  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Kubernetes avec Azure Arc
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Management
  • Pricing & Offerings
23 mai

Public Preview: Azure Monitor announces Network Observability AKS add-on


The new Network Observability AKS add-on provides complete observability into the network health and connectivity of your AKS cluster.

  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Azure Monitor
  • Grafana géré par Azure
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Management
  • Features
23 mai

Public preview: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is now extending monitoring support for Kubernetes clusters hosted on Azure Arc.

  • Azure Arc
  • Azure Monitor
  • Grafana géré par Azure
  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Management
  • Features
23 mai

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Container insights introduces "Cluster Optimization" workbook


Customers can now use Azure Monitor Container insights “Cluster Optimization” workbook to optimize container limits and request, identify event anomalies and detect liveness probe failures.

  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Azure Monitor
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
23 mai

Generally Available: Azure Monitor announces managed services for Prometheus


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus delivers the best of the open-source ecosystem while automating complex tasks such as scaling, high-availability, and long-term data retention.

  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Azure Monitor
  • Grafana géré par Azure
  • Open Source
  • Compliance
  • Microsoft Build
  • Services
  • Management
  • Features
23 mai

Public Preview: Azure Log Alerts support for Azure Data Explorer


Azure Monitor Log Alerts is expanding to support monitoring based on data that stored in Azure Data Explorer (ADX) tables, empowering customers to leverage ADX without compromising their service monitoring.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Explorateur de données Azure
  • Microsoft Build
  • Management
  • Features
10 mai

Public Preview: Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro for ASP.NET Core, JavaScript (Node.js), Python


Onboard to Azure Monitor Application Insights using standard, cloud-native APIs and SDKs with rich data collection capabilities and a first-class Azure experience.

  • ASP.NET Core SignalR
  • App Service
  • Azure Monitor
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
10 mai

Generally available: Azure Monitor Agent supports Linux Hardening for CIS and SELinux


Linux Azure Monitor Agent is now officially supported and tested on CIS and SELinux Operating Systems and Distros. Monitor will continue to test and support these hardening standards for AMA.

  • Azure Monitor
  • SQL Server Linux sur les machines virtuelles
  • Features
  • Operating System

avril 2023

26 avr.

Préversion publique : publication de l’API Plan de données Métriques Azure Monitor


L’API Plan de données Métriques Azure est une nouvelle approche d’Azure Monitor qui améliore la collecte d’informations sur les ressources en activant une capacité d’interrogation et une efficacité plus élevées.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Resource Mover
  • Features
26 avr.

Generally available: Azure Monitor alerts now suggests signals to alert on


When creating an alert rule using the Azure portal, configuring the condition of the alert rule is now made simpler with popular signals and settings.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
10 avr.

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS add-on to support Windows nodes


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS metrics add-on to support Prometheus metric collection from the Windows nodes in your AKS clusters.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Prometheus managé
  • Features

mars 2023

31 mars

Action Required: Transition to DCR-based KQL transformations by 31 March 2026 

Date de suppression cible : mars 31, 2026

Custom fields feature will be retired on 31 March 2026

  • Azure Monitor
  • Retirements
29 mars

Generally available: Azure Monitor Alerts now support duplicating alert rules


Azure Monitor alert rule can now be duplicated via the Azure portal.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
29 mars

Disponibilité générale : Publication d’une nouvelle stratégie de journalisation d’audit Azure Monitor


Azure Monitor annonce la publication de nouvelles stratégies et initiatives intégrées Azure Policy pour activer la journalisation de plateforme des événements d’audit pour les services Azure.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Policy
  • Compliance
  • Features
15 mars

Préversion publique : Collecter Syslog à partir de nœuds AKS à l’aide des informations de conteneur Azure Monitor


Les clients peuvent à présent collecter Syslog à partir de leurs clusters AKS à l’aide des informations de conteneur Azure Monitor

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
15 mars

Generally available: ContainerLogV2 Schema in Azure Monitor container insights


Azure Monitor container insights now offers a new, lightweight schema for the container logs in ContainerLogV2

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
15 mars

Generally available: Metric charts support for split-by operations on multiple dimensions


Azure Portal metric charts will now enable customers to analyze metrics on their Azure resources by supporting the split-by operator on more than one dimension.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
7 mars

Generally available: App Insights Extension for Azure Virtual Machines and VM Scale Sets


Application insights extension enables easy to use application monitoring for IIS-hosted .NET Framework and .NET Core applications running on Azure VMs and VM scale sets.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
1 mars

Maintenant disponible : Bibliothèques clientes d’ingestion Azure Monitor


La version stable initiale des bibliothèques clientes d’ingestion Azure Monitor est à présent disponible. Chargez des journaux personnalisés dans des espaces de travail Log Analytics en .NET, Java, JavaScript et Python.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Log Analytics
  • Kits de développement logiciel (SDK)
  • SDK and Tools
1 mars

Préversion publique : Azure Monitor Container Insights offre des paramètres d’optimisation des coûts personnalisables

Azure Monitor Container Insights permet à présent aux clients de configurer des paramètres de collecte personnalisés pour les tables Perf, Inventory, InsightsMetrics et KubeEvents afin de réduire leur ingestion Log Analytics.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features

Azure sur Microsoft Build


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