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Send runbook job status and job streams from Automation to Log Analytics

Published date: August 12, 2016

You can now send runbook job status and runbook job streams from Azure Automation to your Azure Log Analytics (Operations Management Suite) workspace. Some use cases for this feature are:

  • Get insight on your Automation jobs.
  • Trigger an email or alert based on your runbook job status (failed, suspended).
  • Write advanced queries across your job streams.
  • Correlate jobs across Automation accounts.
  • Visualize your job history over time.

When your logs are being sent to Log Analytics, you can write queries against your Automation logs and set up alerts. Here are a few sample queries to illustrate how you can use these logs:   

  • Failed or suspended jobs: Category=JobLogs (ResultType=Failed || ResultType=Suspended)
  • Jobs with error streams (by job ID): Category=JobStreams StreamType_s=Error | measure count() by JobId_g
  • Investigate job streams for a job: Category=JobStreams JobId_g="INSERT RUNBOOK JOB ID HERE" | sort TimeGenerated | select ResultDescription
  • Job history over time: Category=JobLogs NOT(ResultType="Started") | measure Count() by ResultType interval 1day

To learn more about how to send Automation logs to Log Analytics, see Forward job status and job streams from Automation to Log Analytics (OMS)

For more information, see:


  • Automation
  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
  • Services