US Government SQL Database storage add-ons GUID migration and name changes
Published date: June 27, 2018
Azure SQL Database is an intelligent, fully managed, relational cloud database service. Migrate your SQL Server databases without changing your apps, accelerate app development, and simplify maintenance by using your existing SQL Server skills.
Effective August 1, 2018, general availability pricing for SQL Database storage add-ons will begin. Additionally, global GUIDs will break out into regional meters, affecting names.
See the following table for details.
Service name (no change) | Service type (no change) | Resource name | Old GUID | Old product name | Old region | New GUID | New region | New product name |
Data Services | SQL Database | Standard Storage | f804f9b3-5e14-4d68-909c-0f706604ee43 | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - USGov | USGov | 78ff03a4-82e2-4e91-9bd3-b3329bd39fa4 | US Gov TX | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - US Gov TX |
Data Services | SQL Database | Standard Storage | f804f9b3-5e14-4d68-909c-0f706604ee43 | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - USGov | USGov | 01bf2b08-d3c4-4dfc-a876-dd98148a6ea2 | US Gov AZ | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - US Gov AZ |
Data Services | SQL Database | Standard Storage | f804f9b3-5e14-4d68-909c-0f706604ee43 | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - USGov | USGov | 2c36b5c2-dd4e-4e69-945b-f996bf746c65 | US DoD | Data Services SQL Database Standard Storage - US DoD |
Data Services | SQL Database | Premium Storage | 121f36e9-6881-4db3-850b-9030bcb4aa69 | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - USGov | USGov | 0b18437d-a3fa-4d44-b278-cf1b3554806b | US Gov TX | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - US Gov TX |
Data Services | SQL Database | Premium Storage | 121f36e9-6881-4db3-850b-9030bcb4aa69 | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - USGov | USGov | 85f5a1d8-5b44-46fb-bc5b-02c15385bf80 | US Gov AZ | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - US Gov AZ |
Data Services | SQL Database | Premium Storage | 121f36e9-6881-4db3-850b-9030bcb4aa69 | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - USGov | USGov | 89ab269b-656c-4a55-bdc0-e2f872636194 | US DoD | Data Services SQL Database Premium Storage - US DoD |