General availability: Static IP configurations of private endpoints
Published date: October 13, 2022
Private endpoint support for statically defined IP addresses is generally available. This feature allows you to add customizations to your deployments. Leverage already reserved IP addresses and allocate them to your private endpoint without relying on the randomness of Azure's dynamic IP allocation. In doing so, you can account for a consistent IP address to the private endpoint to use alongside IP based security rules and scripts.
Regional availability:
This feature is available in all public and sovereign clouds
Managing your private endpoint
Manage Azure Private Endpoints - Azure Private Link | Microsoft Docs
Create a private endpoint with the Azure portal
Quickstart: Create a private endpoint by using the Azure portal | Microsoft Docs
Configuring this feature on a private endpoint
CLI - az network private-endpoint ip-config | Microsoft Docs
PS - New-AzPrivateEndpointIpConfiguration (Az.Network) | Microsoft Docs
What is Private Link