Azure DevTest Labs: Managed Disks supported in new labs
Published date: March 28, 2017
Azure DevTest Labs now supports Managed Disks in all newly created labs, including VM OS disks, data disks, and custom images. In a newly created lab, you still get the same user experience regarding the creation of VMs, data disks, or custom images. However, managed disks are created and used behind the scenes, instead of new VHD files stored in your storage accounts.
Managed Disks helps you manage multiple storage accounts for a large number of VMs. As its name indicates, all managed-disk resources are automatically managed by Azure instead of your own storage accounts, which simplifies scalable VM deployments and management. New labs no longer autoscale storage accounts for large-scale VM deployments. In addition, Managed Disks provides a better pricing model for disk storage. Check out more information on the Azure Managed Disks product page.
Please try it today and let us know what you think about it! If you have an idea for how to make it work better, submit your feedback (or vote for others) at the Azure DevTest Labs feedback forum.
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