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A taste of DocumentDB through our Query Playground

Visit the Query Playground to try out DocumentDB’s rich querying capabilities!


Have you heard about Microsoft’s newest NoSQL database service, DocumentDB?

DocumentDB is a document oriented database service that supports a familiar SQL syntax for queries over schema-free JSON data.

Want to give it a try?

Visit the Query Playground to try out DocumentDB’s rich querying capabilities for yourself. Complete each activity and learn about DocumentDB’s query language through topics like Syntax, Filtering, Projection, and much more.

Not sure what you’re querying against?

Click the Sample Docs button at the top right of the results panel to get a glimpse of the data you’re querying against.

Finished the activities?

Play in the Sandbox by running your own custom queries against the USDA nutrition dataset.

Did you find a cool query?

Make sure you click the Share button and tweet it to us, @DocumentDB. And, follow us at @DocumentDB to see some of our favorite queries, #QoW. Here’s a small appetizer of our favorite queries:

So, what are you waiting for?