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Trusted Cloud: security, privacy, compliance, resiliency, and IP

Can you trust your cloud provider?

Can you trust your cloud provider? That’s a question being asked a lot of these days, and with the newest version of our popular white paper Trusted Cloud: Microsoft Azure security, privacy, compliance, resiliency, and protected IP we’ve worked to provide you answers.

When we first published Trusted Cloud in 2015, the paper was 13 pages long and covered security, privacy, and compliance. Since then we’ve updated Trusted Cloud several times, and our newest edition stretches to 42 pages and includes new sections on resiliency and intellectual property. We understand 42 pages is a lot, so now we’re also offering Trusted Cloud both as a single paper and as five separate papers.

Trusted Cloud


Security. The updated security section covers the multiple services that make up our defense-in-depth approach to security, including new services like our Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) offering, Azure Sentinel.

Compliance. Azure now offers an industry-leading 92 compliance offerings. We’ve seen tremendous growth in this area since the 21 offerings listed in the original 2015 paper. We’ve also added new services like Azure Blueprints, which provides you with templates to create, deploy, and update fully governed cloud environments to help meet compliance requirements.

Privacy. Since 2015, we’ve seen an explosion of interest in online privacy, and that led to impactful new regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Get a detailed description of the stringent privacy practices and standards used by Azure, and the tools we offer customers to protect privacy.

Reliability and resiliency. This new section covers both reliability – keeping Azure performing dependably and consistently reliability – as well as resiliency – being able to respond to failures in a way that avoids downtime and data loss.

Intellectual property. The second new section outlines Azure’s unique protections intellectual property (IP), including software code. Our Azure intellectual property (IP) Advantage program provides the industry’s most comprehensive protection against intellectual property (IP) risks.

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