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Diana Gao

Senior Product Marketing Manager

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Showing 1 – 4 of 4 posts found

Unlock cloud savings on the fly with autoscale on Azure 

Autoscaling is one of the value levers that can help unlock cost savings for your Azure workloads by automatically scaling up and down the resources in use to better align capacity to demand. Not only does it utilize cloud elasticity by paying for capacity only when you need it, you can also reduce the need for an operator to continually monitor the performance of a system and make decisions about adding or removing resources.

Optimice su inversión en la nube con Azure Reservations 

Para las cargas de trabajo en la nube que hacen un uso constante de los recursos, puede comprar instancias reservadas con un descuento importante y reducir los costos de las cargas de trabajo hasta en un 72 % en comparación con los precios de pago por uso. Las reservas de Azure Reservations se obtienen al adquirir un compromiso de uso durante uno o tres años de máquinas virtuales, Azure Blob Storage o Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, capacidad de proceso de SQL Database, procesamiento de Azure Cosmos DB u otros recursos de Azure.

Rightsize to maximize your cloud investment with Microsoft Azure 

Rightsizing is one of the key levers you have for controlling costs and optimizing resources. By understanding cloud economics, and using what Azure provides, you can identify the smallest virtual server instances that support your requirements and realize immediate savings by eliminating unused capacity.