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Try the most trusted cloud for your enterprise or hybrid infrastructure

Create a free account and see why organizations choose Azure over Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Popular services free for 12 months

55+ other services free always

Here's just some of what you can do with Azure

Create a consistent hybrid environment

Azure is preferred over Amazon Web Services (AWS) for building and deploying hybrid cloud solutions. Create a more consistent experience with Azure than AWS, using common identity, management, security, and development tools.

Innovate with unmatched intelligence

Develop apps with built-in intelligence using a breadth of AI tools that you’ll only find in Azure. Build and deploy custom AI models at scale, easily deploy intelligence at the edge, and add cognitive APIs to give your applications the ability to see, hear, speak, search, and understand.

Trust your cloud

With more global regions than AWS and a more comprehensive set of compliance offerings, Azure is a cloud you can trust.

Take advantage of free products

These products are free up to the specified monthly amounts. Some are always free to all Azure customers, and some are free for 12 months to new customers only.

12 Months

12 Months


12 Months





Try Azure free—then only pay for what you use

After your USD 200 credit, only pay for what you use beyond the free amounts of services. With pay as you go, there’s no fee to maintain your Azure free account, and no upfront commitment. Cancel anytime.

Join the Azure community and get your questions answered live

Get started with confidence by joining the weekly Azure Live Q&A session led by Azure experts. Learn how to get free services, architect solutions, manage resources, deploy apps and databases, and save money.

Find out more about Azure

Ready? Here’s a review of how it works

Start free. Get USD 200 credit to use in 30 days. While you have your credit, get free amounts of popular services and 55+ other services.

After your credit, move to pay as you go to keep getting popular services and 55+ other services. Only pay if you use more than the free monthly amounts.

After 12 months, you'll continue getting 55+ services free always—and still only pay for what you use beyond the free monthly amounts.