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十月 2019

十月 21

適用於 iOS 13 的 Azure 通知中樞更新


適用於 iOS 13 的 Azure 通知中樞更新 - Apple 的推播通知服務更新,以及其對 Azure 通知中樞客戶的影響。

  • 通知中樞
  • Features

十一月 2017

十一月 30

Azure Notification Hubs .NET SDK now compatible with .NET Standard 2.0

Azure Notifications Hubs .NET SDK now runs on any .NET platform, including .NET core for back-end environments.

  • 通知中樞
  • Features

六月 2016

六月 14

Batch send notifications to device tokens using Notification Hubs

The Batch Direct Send feature of Azure Notification Hubs simplifies custom device storage and migration scenarios.

  • 通知中樞
  • Features

五月 2016

五月 19

Namespace-level tier selection enabled for Notification Hubs

Notification Hubs recently enabled namespace-level tiers so that customers can allocate resources tailored to each namespace’s expected traffic and usage patterns.

  • App Service
  • 通知中樞
  • Features
五月 18

Deploy geo-fenced push notifications by using Azure Notification Hubs

We published a tutorial that explains how to deliver location-based push notifications by using Azure Notification Hubs and Bing Spatial Data, leveraged from within a Universal Windows Platform application.

  • 通知中樞
  • SDK and Tools
  • Services
  • Features

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