


八月 2018 的每月更新

八月 21

Managed instance general purpose name changes

Effective October 1, 2018, the managed instance general purpose tier in SQL Database will be generally available and names will change.

  • Services
八月 20

Kafka 1.1 support on Azure HDInsight


HDInsight now supports Kafka 1.1.

  • HDInsight
八月 20

A_V2 series VMs are available in Azure HDInsight

A_V2 series VMs are available in Azure HDInsight.

  • Pricing & Offerings
八月 20

Azure HDInsight is now available in South India

Azure HDInsight is now available in South India.

  • Regions & Datacenters
八月 16

Update Management: Reboot control


Many customers have asked for the ability to control when reboots occur when installing new updates. To address this feedback, Update Management has added a new option for update deployments. When…

  • Management
  • Features
八月 16

General availability: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL


Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL are generally available.

  • 適用於 PostgreSQL 的 Azure 資料庫
  • 虛擬網路
  • Features
八月 16

General availability: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL


Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL are generally available.

  • 適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫
  • 虛擬網路
  • Features
八月 16

Azure API 管理更新 8 月 28 日

了解 Azure API 管理最新的定期更新。

  • API 管理
  • Features
八月 15

對 Power BI 內容套件計量名稱和影響的改善

Microsoft Azure 使用量見解內容套件取代 Microsoft Azure 企業版內容套件,後者將於 2018 年 12 月 31 日淘汰。

  • Services
八月 15

Comma-delimited (.csv) reports for new Azure consumption and charges APIs now available

In response to customer feedback requesting a comma-delimited (.csv) option for downloading and consuming usage and spend data, .csv support for the Usage Detail API is now available.

  • Services
八月 14

Azure Functions Runtime 2.0 breaking changes

The upcoming release of the Azure Functions Runtime 2.0 introduces some major improvements, but some of these changes will cause breaks to existing apps deployed with the v2 runtime.

  • Azure Functions
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
八月 13

Add HTTPS probes to standard load balancers from the Azure portal

The Azure portal has built-in support to add HTTPS probes to standard load balancers.

  • 負載平衡
  • Microsoft Azure 入口網站
  • Management
  • Features
八月 8

General availability: Azure Automation in Korea Central and West US 2 regions

Azure Automation is now available in the Azure Korea Central and West US 2 regions.

  • 自動化
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Management
八月 8

.NET Framework 4.7.2 更新即將在 Azure App Service 應用程式中推出

.NET Framework 4.7.2 更新已安排在 2018 年 9 月逐步部署到 Azure App Service 應用程式。

  • App Service
  • 行動服務
  • Azure Functions
  • Web Apps
  • Services
八月 8

Azure Management Groups now available


Azure Management Groups provide an efficient way to manage access, policies, and compliance across an enterprise through a hierarchy made up of management groups and subscriptions.

  • Features
八月 8

Azure Database Migration Service—Support for using existing backup files for migration


The Azure Database Migration Service now supports the ability to create a migration project and perform a specific migration activity, for example offline migration, in a single workflow.

  • Features
八月 8

Azure Database Migration Service—Save project and run activity now supported


The Azure Database Migration Service now supports the ability to create a migration project and perform a specific migration activity, for example offline migration, in a single workflow. This new capability reduces the number of steps required to perform migrations when using DMS.

  • Features
八月 8

Instance size flexibility for Azure Reserve Virtual Machine Instances now available


Instance size flexibility is a new Azure Reserved VM Instances feature that can simplify the management of your new and existing Azure RI purchases.

  • Features
八月 8

Azure Security Center—Adaptive Application Controls now generally available


Adaptive Application Controls for Azure Security Center has two new improvements that are now generally available. First, get recommendations for new file types such as MSIs and scripts. Second, group virtual machines based on the similarity of the applications they're running.

  • Features
八月 8

Save up to 80 percent with reserved capacity and Azure hybrid benefit


Azure SQL Database reserved capacity is now available for single and elastic pool databases, expanding our commitment to making Azure the most cost-effective cloud for your workloads. This new pricing option saves you up to 33 percent compared to license-included pricing by pre-paying for your SQL Database vCores for a one-year or three-year term. Save up to 80 percent when you combine reserved capacity savings with Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server.

  • Features


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