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abril 2024

2 abr

Generally Available: AKS cost views


The Kubernetes clusters and Kubernetes namespaces cost views are now generally available in Cost analysis within Azure portal. You can view the aggregated costs for all your AKS clusters and namespaces across a subscription and drill down into infrastructure and namespaces costs of a cluster.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Management

março 2024

22 mar

Support for Connector for AWS in Cost Management is ending on 31 March 2025

Data de extinção alvo: abril 01, 2025

The Connector for AWS in the Cost Management service will be retired on 31 March 2025. By that date, please consider alternative cost management reporting for AWS available in the market.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Retirements

novembro 2023

20 nov

Part numbers from EA invoice are now added to the cost and usage file.


All records in cost and usage file will now match the part numbers in an invoice for EA customers. This will allow leveraging the part number to match invoice and cost details data. Please note that when comparing charges, refunds for purchases done in past billing periods should be excluded.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
20 nov

Part numbers from EA invoice are now added to the cost and usage file.


All records in cost and usage file will now match the part numbers in an invoice for EA customers. This will allow leveraging the part number to match invoice and cost details data. Please note that when comparing charges, refunds for purchases done in past billing periods should be excluded.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
13 nov

Export cost details using the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS)


Sign up for an early preview of Cost Management exports that provide cost data aligned to the open-source FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS).

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Open Source
  • Features

setembro 2023

12 set

Generally available: Export Cost Management data to secure storage accounts with firewall


You can export Cost Management data to secure storage accounts with firewall.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management

agosto 2023

28 ago

Preview: Export Cost Management data to secure storage accounts with firewall


Export Cost Management data to secure storage accounts with firewall

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Compliance
  • Management

maio 2023

23 mai

Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.


Disponibilidade de destino: Q2 2023

Activate reservation utilization alerts and take control of your Azure reservation strategy.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features
23 mai

Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.


Disponibilidade de destino: Q2 2023

Activate reservation utilization alerts and take control of your Azure reservation strategy.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features
23 mai

Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.


Disponibilidade de destino: Q2 2023

Activate reservation utilization alerts and take control of your Azure reservation strategy.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features

abril 2023

26 abr

General Availability: Centrally Managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server


Today, we’re officially announcing the general availability for Centrally Managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • SQL Server nas Máquinas Virtuais do Azure
  • Pricing & Offerings

janeiro 2023

24 jan

Disponível para o público geral: Contrato Enterprise indireto no Azure Cost Management e Faturação


Faça a gestão da sua hierarquia de inscrição, veja a utilização da conta e monitorize os custos diretamente a partir do menu do Azure Cost Management e Faturação no portal do Azure (para os clientes com Contrato Enterprise indireto)

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management

dezembro 2022

12 dez

Pré-visualização pública: utilizar a herança de etiquetas para fazer a gestão de custos


Utilize a pré-visualização da herança de etiquetas para aplicar automaticamente etiquetas de subscrição e de grupo de recursos aos registos de utilização de recursos subordinados.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management

outubro 2022

18 out

Disponibilidade geral: plano de poupança do Azure para computação


Hoje, estamos a anunciar oficialmente a entrada em disponibilidade geral do plano de poupança do Azure para computação.

  • Serviço de Aplicações
  • Container Instances
  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Azure Dedicated Host
  • Funções do Azure
  • Máquinas Virtuais
  • Pricing & Offerings

julho 2022

25 jul

General availability: Microsoft Cost Details API for EA and MCA customers


Disponibilidade de destino: Q3 2022

Cost Details API is now generally available for use by EA and MCA customers.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features

maio 2022

30 mai

Disponível para o público geral: o alerta de orçamento suporta grupos de ações com esquema de alerta comum


O alerta de orçamento da gestão de custos do Azure agora suporta grupos de ações com esquema de alerta comum.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features
25 mai

Public preview: Automate scheduled emails of your saved cost views via API


Automate the creation and management of Azure Cost Management scheduled emails with the ScheduledActions API.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management

março 2022

8 mar

Public preview: Schedule automated emails of your saved cost views


Subscribe to daily, weekly, or monthly updates of your saved cost views in Azure Cost Management to stay informed about changes in cost.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management

fevereiro 2022

24 fev

Disponível para o público geral: Contrato Enterprise direto no Azure Cost Management e Faturação


Faça a gestão da sua hierarquia de inscrição, veja a utilização da conta e monitorize os custos diretamente a partir do menu do Azure Cost Management e Faturação no portal do Azure (para os clientes com Contrato Enterprise direto na cloud comercial).

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
22 fev

Public preview: Cost Management anomaly detection for subscriptions


Azure Cost Management offers subscription cost anomaly detection within the cost analysis preview to raise awareness and help identify unexpected changes in cost.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
  • Features

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