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Atualizações mensais para agosto 2020

5 ago

App Service: .NET Framework 4.8 Support now available


Support for .NET Framework 4.8 is now generally available in Azure App Service

  • Serviço de Aplicações
  • Aplicações Web
  • Features
5 ago

Large storage for Azure Database for MariaDB


General availability support for up to 16TB of storage and up to 20,000 IOPS in Azure Database for MariaDB enables you to run the most demanding, large scale workloads.

  • Azure Database for MariaDB
  • Features
5 ago

Backup storage cost savings for Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance


Greater recovery period granularity and automated backup compression now available, helping to optimize your backup storage costs.

  • Base de Dados SQL do Azure
  • Features
5 ago

Configurable backup storage redundancy option for Azure SQL Managed Instance


More flexibility and choice for backup storage redundancy with the addition of LRS and ZRS storage options.

  • Base de Dados SQL do Azure
  • Features
5 ago

Azure Cosmos DB Management with PowerShell cmdlets is in public preview


Now in preview, users can manage Azure Cosmos DB resources using a set of PowerShell cmdlets, available in the Az.CosmosDB Powershell module. The Az.CosmosDB module can be used with Windows PowerShell 5.1 as well as cross-platform PowerShell Core 6 or 7.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
5 ago

No downtime indexing updates in Azure Cosmos DB


You can now confidently make indexing changes without fear of impacting existing reads and writes. Before this change, write performance was unaffected during index updates but query results were not consistent while the index transformation was ongoing.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
5 ago

Azure Cosmos DB: Azure CLI support for autoscale


Now in general availability, we are announcing Azure CLI support for autoscale in Azure Cosmos DB.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
5 ago

Simplify and Modernize your Java and Spring workloads with Azure Service Bus


In order to provide Azure Service Bus to more customers irrespective of their application stack and application ecosystem, and in keeping with that vision, we’re announcing feature parity with Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 over AMQP.

  • Service Bus
  • Services
  • Features
5 ago

Audit Logs of Azure Monitor logs queries now available


The Azure Monitor Logs service allows you to collect telemetry of all types across their entire infrastructure and query this telemetry to collect insights. We are announcing a new capability to collect audit logs about query execution.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
5 ago

Kubernetes resource view is in public preview


Kubernetes resource view allows developers to use point and click navigation to see live, in-depth details of their workloads.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
5 ago

SQL Server FCI nos Discos Partilhados para o SQL Server em máquinas virtuais


Os Discos Partilhados do Azure para a Instância de Cluster de Ativação Pós-falha do SQL Server (SQL FCI) no IaaS do Azure já está em disponibilidade geral.

  • Base de Dados SQL do Azure
  • Features
5 ago

Configurar cópia de segurança para partilhas de ficheiros do Azure diretamente do painel de partilha de ficheiros


O Azure Backup suporta agora a configuração de cópias de segurança para partilhas de ficheiros do Azure diretamente do painel de partilha de ficheiros

  • Features
4 ago

Centro de Segurança do Azure: notícias e atualizações de julho de 2020


O Centro de Segurança do Azure recebeu novos melhoramentos e atualizações em julho de 2020.

  • Centro de Segurança
  • Security
  • Features


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