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Atualizações mensais para abril 2018

16 abr

Name changes: Azure Cosmos DB, US Government regions

As part of the transition from Azure DocumentDB to Azure Cosmos DB, “DocumentDB” is changing to “Cosmos DB” in the service type and resource name on June 1, 2018.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Services
16 abr

Updates to global subscription filtering

You can filter subscriptions locally on browser resource blades without affecting the global subscription filter or subscription filtering settings on browser resource blades in other services.

  • Features
16 abr

Name changes: Cosmos DB

As part of the transition from Azure DocumentDB to Azure Cosmos DB, “DocumentDB” is changing to “Cosmos DB” in the service name and resource name on June 1, 2018.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Services
16 abr

GUID migration: Azure Redis Cache, US Government regions

Starting June 1, 2018, egress charges for Azure Redis Cache geo-replication will show up as a new line item on your bill. They’ll be broken out from networking egress.

  • Cache do Azure para Redis
  • Services
16 abr

Deployment for Azure MySQL, Kubernetes Helm, and Ruby - VSTS Sprint 133 Update

The Sprint 133 Update of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) expands the languages and platforms supported for VSTS build and release.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
16 abr

GUID migration: Azure Security Center

Starting July 1, 2018, billing will be reported on an hourly basis (per node, per hour).

  • Centro de Segurança
  • Services
  • Security
16 abr

GUID migration: Azure Redis Cache

Starting June 1, 2018, egress charges for Azure Redis Cache geo-replication will show up as a new line item on your bill. They’ll be broken out from networking egress.

  • Cache do Azure para Redis
  • Services
16 abr

GUID migration: Azure Security Center, US Government regions

Starting June 1, 2018, billing will be reported on an hourly basis (per node per hour).

  • Centro de Segurança
  • Services
  • Security
16 abr

GUID migration: Linux support

Microsoft and SUSE will implement some name changes to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) VM offers on Azure.

  • Máquinas Virtuais
  • Services
16 abr

Name changes: Azure SQL Database long-term backup retention

Effective June 1, 2018, names for long-term backup retention will change from “LTR RA-GRS Backup Storage” to “LTR Backup Storage.”

  • Base de Dados SQL do Azure
  • Services
16 abr

GUID migration: Zone Redundant Storage

Starting June 1, 2018, we will migrate the GUIDs of zone-redundant snapshots and images for managed disks from Locally Redundant Storage GUIDs to Zone Redundant Storage GUIDs.

  • Contas de Armazenamento
  • Services
16 abr

HTTP/2 support for Azure App Service is now available

Support for the HTTP/2 protocol, the top customer request for Azure App Service, is now globally available for all apps hosted on App Service.

  • Serviço de Aplicações
  • Funções do Azure
  • Features
13 abr

Os alertas criados no portal do Operations Management Suite podem ser passados para o Azure

As regras de alerta criadas no portal do Azure podem agora estender-se ao Azure para tirar partido da nova experiência de alertas do Azure. A monitorização não é afetada e não há período de inatividade.

  • Alertas
  • Log Analytics
  • Services
12 abr

Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge

Azure Stream Analytics on IoT Edge empowers developers to deploy near-real-time analytical intelligence closer to IoT devices so that they can unlock the full value of device-generated data.

  • Features
12 abr

Capacidades de portal melhoradas do Azure SQL Data Warehouse

O Azure SQL Data Warehouse disponibilizou o próximo conjunto de capacidades de portal para ajudar a monitorizar, gerir e integrar o seu armazém de dados.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Management
  • Features
12 abr

Carregar/transferir dashboards do Azure

Pode transferir um dashboard do Azure existente no mesmo formato JSON que pode utilizar para criar dashboards programaticamente ao chamar APIs do Azure Resource Manager.

  • Management
12 abr

Suporte para subfluxos no Azure Stream Analytics

O Stream Analytics oferece suporte para subfluxos para ajudar os clientes a processar fluxos de telemetria. A palavra-chave OVER expande a cláusula TIMESTAMP BY para esta finalidade.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features
12 abr

CI/CD no Azure Stream Analytics

As ferramentas do Stream Analytics para o Visual Studio incluem suporte nativo para processos de CI/CD.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features
12 abr

Agregados definidos pelo utilizador do JavaScript no Azure Stream Analytics

Agora, o Azure Stream Analytics​ suporta a extensibilidade com agregados definidos pelo utilizador do JavaScript com estado.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features
12 abr

O Stream Analytics suporta o formato de entrada de compressão

O Stream Analytics suporta os fluxos GZIP e Deflate.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features


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