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Atualizações mensais para fevereiro 2022

28 fev

General availability: Azure Sphere version 22.02


The 22.02 release includes new and changed features in the OS and the SDK.

  • Azure Sphere
  • SDK and Tools
  • Operating System
28 fev

General availability: Asset certification in Azure Purview data catalog


Data stewards can now certify assets that meet their organization's quality standards in the Azure Purview data catalog

  • Microsoft Purview
  • Services
  • Features
28 fev

Disponibilidade geral: A API do Azure Cosmos DB para MongoDB dá suporte a versão 4.2


Disponibilidade de destino: Q1 2022

Use a nova funcionalidade de pipeline de agregação e a criptografia de campo do lado do cliente com a API do Azure Cosmos DB para MongoDB versão 4.2.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
28 fev

General availability: Azure Red Hat OpenShift support for OpenShift 4.9


Benefit from new features and enhancements in OpenShift release 4.9.

  • Red Hat OpenShift no Azure
  • Services
24 fev

Generally available: Updated navigation menu in Azure IoT Central


The Azure IoT Central navigation menu has been updated to make it easier to find product capabilities. Pages have been re-ordered, re-grouped, and re-named to align with common tasks.

  • Azure IoT Central
  • Features
24 fev

Em disponibilidade geral: utilizar vários backups por dia para Arquivos do Azure no Backup do Azure


Disponibilidade de destino: Q1 2022

O recurso que permite configurar vários backups por dia para Arquivos do Azure por meio da política de backup agora está em disponibilidade geral.

  • Backup do Azure
  • Arquivos do Azure
  • Features
24 fev

Public preview: Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise


Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise includes fully managed VMware Tanzu components to help you ship faster as well as long term support for Spring projects to unlock Spring’s full potential.

  • Services
  • Features
24 fev

Public preview: Elastic and Azure Spring Cloud integration


Monitor every step of your cloud journey with the integration of Azure Spring Cloud logs and metrics into Elastic and instrument Spring Boot applications.

  • Services
  • Features
24 fev

Generally available: Azure NetApp Files new region and cross-region replication


Azure NetApp Files is now available in an additional Australia region and supports a new cross-region replication pair.

  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Features
24 fev

Public preview: Azure NetApp Files - application consistent snapshot tool v5.1


Application consistent snapshot tool is a command-line tool for simplifying data protection for third-party databases in Linux environments.

  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features
24 fev

Public preview: WordPress enhancements for App Service


Improvements include a new image, multiple hosting plans, better performance, and simplified configuration.

  • Features
24 fev

Em disponibilidade geral: Contrato Enterprise direto no Gerenciamento de Custos e Cobrança do Azure


Gerencie sua hierarquia de registro, exiba o uso da conta e monitore os custos diretamente do menu de Gerenciamento de Custos e Cobrança do Azure no portal do Azure (para clientes do Contrato Enterprise direto na nuvem comercial).

  • Gerenciamento de Custos da Microsoft
  • Management
23 fev

Em disponibilidade geral: exportação de dados do Log Analytics no Azure Monitor


A exportação de dados do Log Analytics está pronta para implantações de produção, dando suporte à maioria das tabelas nos workspaces do Log Analytics.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Management
  • Features
23 fev

General availability: Custom retention for AzureActivity and Usage data tables


Set specific retention periods on AzureActivity and Usage data tables in Log Analytics workspaces, keeping such data for a longer time, while maintaining the workspace retention as low as needed.

  • Management
  • Features
23 fev

Public preview: New capabilities for Azure Monitor logs


Add value and increase cost effectiveness with Azure Monitor logs

  • Management
22 fev

Public preview: Cost Management anomaly detection for subscriptions


Azure Cost Management offers subscription cost anomaly detection within the cost analysis preview to raise awareness and help identify unexpected changes in cost.

  • Gerenciamento de Custos da Microsoft
  • Management
  • Features
22 fev

General availability: Application Gateway mutual authentication


Enable frontend mutual authentication and listener specific SSL policies on Application Gateway, now generally available.

  • Gateway de Aplicativo
  • Security
  • Features
22 fev

General availability: Localization available in Azure Purview


The Azure Purview UX team has localized Azure Purview studio to 18 languages.

  • Microsoft Purview
  • Features
17 fev

Public preview: Resource configuration changes


Resource configuration changes, a feature enabling the querying of changes to Azure resource configurations across subscriptions, management groups, and tenant, is now in public preview.

  • Gráfico de Recursos do Azure
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Análise de Alterações
  • Management
  • Features
17 fev

Public preview: Cross region virtual machine restore points


Create restore points in any region and copy restore points from one region to another.

  • Máquinas virtuais
  • Features


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