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Atualizações mensais para outubro 2014

15 out

Preview: Azure HDInsight delivering stream and hybrid processing


With the public preview of Apache Storm clusters, HDInsight can now also process real-time events. In addition, we’ve teamed up with Hortonworks to deliver hybrid data connectors between on-premises and cloud deployments.

  • HDInsight
13 out

Virtual Network (VNET) support for HDInsight is now generally available

Virtual Network (VNet) support for HDInsight is now generally available. In addition to HBase clusters, now you can provision Hadoop clusters in a VNet. HDInsight supports deploying only into a location-based VNet.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
2 out

Updates to the Azure Mobile Services .NET backend

Azure Mobile Services has recently released several updates to the .NET backend including the following: custom scopes for authentication providers, single sign-on for Windows Store applications, CORS for SignalR, and support for Web API 5.2.

  • Serviços Móveis
  • Services
2 out

General Availability: Instance-Level Public IPs


With Instance-Level Public IPs, you can enable scenarios such as running FTP servers in Azure and monitoring virtual machines directly using their IPs.

  • Serviços em Nuvem
  • Máquinas virtuais
  • Features
2 out

Organize your Azure resources with tags


Use tags to categorize and manage related Azure resources across resource groups and subscriptions.

  • Portal do Microsoft Azure
  • Management
  • Features
2 out

General Availability: Azure Site Recovery replication to Azure


Now you can replicate the Hyper-V virtual machines running in your datacenter to Azure for disaster recovery protection—and recover them there, as needed.

  • Recuperação de Site do Azure
  • Services
2 out

Updates to Service Bus pricing

In July 2014, we announced changes to Service Bus Queues and Topics, with messaging now offered in Basic and Standard tiers. These new tiers provide price flexibility that better accommodate different use cases. Updated pricing for these changes will be effective starting November 1, 2014, and not October 1, 2014, as previously communicated.

  • Barramento de Serviço
  • Pricing & Offerings
2 out

Protect and recover your production workloads in Azure


With Azure Site Recovery, you can protect and recover your production workloads while saving on capital and operational expenditures.

  • Automação
  • Recuperação de Site do Azure
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features
2 out

Azure SQL Database modified server quota policy

With the general availability of the Basic, Standard, and Premium service tiers, the SQL Database now has a quota of 1,600 DTUs for Basic, Standard, and Premium databases.

  • Banco de Dados SQL do Azure
  • Features
2 out

Visualização: Dimensionamento Elástico do Banco de Dados SQL do Azure


Disponibilidade de destino: Q3 2015

As novas APIs de Dimensionamento Elástico do Banco de Dados SQL do Azure simplificam o processo de expansão (e redução) da camada de dados de um aplicativo em nuvem, simplificando o desenvolvimento e o gerenciamento.

  • Features


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