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업데이트 아카이브

제품 카테고리

5월 2022의 월별 업데이트

5 24

Public preview: Durable functions support for isolated .NET worker process

미리 보기

Build applications that need durable functions and run them in the isolated worker process within Azure Functions.

  • Azure Function
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Generally available: Updated extension defaults for new Azure Functions projects

지금 이용 가능

Extension bundles for new Azure Functions projects will now default to v3 in the client tools.

  • Azure Function
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

일반 공급: Azure Functions Kafka 트리거 지원

지금 이용 가능

이제 Kafka 토픽으로 스트리밍되는 실시간 메시지를 검색하고 응답할 수 있습니다.

  • Azure Function
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Manage your Log Analytics Tables in the Azure portal

미리 보기

Log Analytics Tables can now be managed from a new Tables (preview) entry of the Azure portal in Log Analytics workspaces.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

일반 공급: Azure Stack HCI 단일 노드

지금 이용 가능

하이브리드의 이점을 단일 노드 Azure Stack HCI 구성으로 가져옵니다.

  • Azure Stack HCI
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Azure Monitor application insights JavaScript web snippet auto-injection for node.js

미리 보기

Azure Monitor application insights node.js customers can enable web monitoring with a simple configuration.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: ContainerLogv2 schema in Azure Monitor container insights

미리 보기

Container insights now offers a new, lightweight schema for the container logs in ContainerLogv2.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: AIOps powered intelligent view in application maps

미리 보기

You can now use AIOps powered intelligent view in application map to filter out noise and find real issues faster.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Generally available: Subnet per node pool

지금 이용 가능

You can expand your AKS clusters across multiple subnets in the same virtual network.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Windows Server 2022 host support in AKS

미리 보기

You can now use Windows Server 2022 with AKS and benefit from its many performance-related improvements.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Draft extension for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

미리 보기

Use Draft through the Azure CLI, Azure Portal, and Visual Studio Code to create a Dockerfile for your application and the necessary Kubernetes manifests.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Web application routing add-on for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

미리 보기

Enable an ingress controller with SSL termination to quickly and securely access your applications in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: KEDA add-on for AKS

미리 보기

Quickly and easily deploy clusters with KEDA enabled, or enable KEDA on existing AKS clusters.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: Azure Disk CSI driver v2 in AKS

미리 보기

Improve scalability and reduce pod failover latency by using Azure Disk CSI driver v2 in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Generally available: AKS cluster extensions

지금 이용 가능

You can now leverage a rich set of first party solutions on AKS via an Azure Resource Manager driven experience.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Public preview: ARM64 agent node support in AKS

미리 보기

You can now create AKS clusters with mixed architecture nodes made up of Intel and ARM chips.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

Generally available: Alias minor version support in AKS

지금 이용 가능

You no longer need to specify the exact patch number in your AKS setup.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 24

CIS benchmark for Linux containers

지금 이용 가능

You can now attest to the state of CIS compliance for their AKS Ubuntu worker nodes.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Build
  • Compliance
5 24

Draft 2: An open-source project for developers building apps on Kubernetes

지금 이용 가능

Create a Dockerfile for your application and the necessary Kubernetes manifests needed.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Build
5 24

Generally available: Custom node configuration on AKS

지금 이용 가능

Configure your operating system (OS) settings or the kubelet parameters to match the needs of the workloads.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features


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