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6월 2018의 월별 업데이트

6 29

Azure DNS SLA: Updated to 100%

Azure DNS is being offered at 100% availability SLA, guaranteeing that valid DNS requests will receive a response from at least one Azure DNS name server 100% of the time.

  • Azure DNS
  • Services
6 29

Azure Log Analytics의 새 개요 페이지

Azure Log Analytics의 새 개요 페이지를 통해 사용자는 비용 관리, 로그, 뷰 디자이너 등 원하는 도구나 서비스를 시작하고 빠르게 찾을 수 있습니다.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
6 28

Static website hosting for Azure Storage now in public preview

Today we are excited to announce the public preview of static website hosting for Azure Storage

  • Storage Accounts
  • Features
6 28

General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL 4-TB server storage

지금 이용 가능

Customers who use Azure Database for PostgreSQL can create 4-TB servers or update existing PostgreSQL server storage to 4 TB when using the General Purpose or Memory Optimized pricing tier.

  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
6 28

General availability: Azure Database for MySQL 4-TB server storage

지금 이용 가능

Customers who use Azure Database for MySQL can create 4-TB servers or update existing MySQL server storage to 4 TB when using the General Purpose or Memory Optimized pricing tier.

  • Azure Database for MySQL
6 27

Update reports for improved meter names

Effective mid-August 2018, we’ll introduce improved standardized names for Azure Virtual Machines. Name changes for all other services will be effective the first week of October 2018.

  • Services
6 27

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 now in preview

미리 보기

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 is a highly scalable, performant, and cost-effective data lake solution for big data analytics.

  • Features
6 27

Azure Web Apps Analytics and Azure Network Security Group Analytics available

지금 이용 가능

Two Azure Log Analytics solutions are now open source and available in the Azure Quickstart Templates gallery: Azure Web Apps Analytics and Azure Network Security Group Analytics.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Services
6 27

Zone redundant configuration for premium service tier of Azure SQL Database—GA

지금 이용 가능

Announcing the general availability of zone redundant premium databases and elastic pools in select regions.

  • Features
6 27

SQL Database storage add-ons GUID migration and name changes

Effective August 1, 2018, general availability pricing for storage add-ons in Azure SQL Database will begin, which will change names and GUIDs.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Services
6 27

US Government SQL Database storage add-ons GUID migration and name changes

Effective August 1, 2018, global GUIDs will break out into regional meters, which will affect names.

  • Services
6 27

Application Insights multistep web tests GUID migration

Effective August 1, 2018, we’re making a change that will allow web tests to be paid with MSDN credits. This change will affect the GUID.

  • Application Insights
  • Services
6 27

기업 계약 고객을 위한 미터 이름 개선 사항

2018년 8월 16일에 시행되는 Virtual Machines에 대한 개선되고 표준화된 미터 이름을 소개합니다. 모든 다른 서비스에 대한 미터 이름 변경은 2018년 10월 말에 시행될 예정입니다.

  • Services
6 27

Updates to Hadoop, Spark, and Data Lake Storage Gen2 on Azure HDInsight

지금 이용 가능

We’re announcing several new capabilities across a wide range of OSS frameworks and support of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 on Azure HDInsight.

  • HDInsight
  • Services
  • Features
6 27

General availability: Zone-redundant Azure SQL databases and elastic pools

지금 이용 가능

Zone-redundant SQL single databases and elastic pools are now generally available in select regions.

  • Services
  • Features
6 27

Improvements to meter names

Effective August 17, 2018, we’ll introduce improved standardized names for Virtual Machines. Name changes for all other services will be effective the first week of October 2018.

  • Services
6 27

Announcing the preview for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

미리 보기

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 offers a no-compromise data lake. It unifies the core capabilities from the first generation of Azure Data Lake with a Hadoop compatible file system endpoint now directly integrated into Azure Blob Storage. This enhancement combines the scale and cost benefits of object storage with the reliability and performance typically associated only with on-premises file systems. This new file system includes a full hierarchical namespace that makes files and folders first class citizens, translating to faster, more reliable analytic job execution.

  • Storage Accounts
6 26

일반 공급: App Service 및 Azure Functions의 관리 서비스 ID

이제 App Service 및 Azure Functions의 MSI(관리 서비스 ID) 지원이 일반 공급됩니다.

  • Azure Function
  • App Service
  • Features
6 22

General availability: Metrics in Azure Traffic Manager

지금 이용 가능

Azure Traffic Manager provides metrics for monitoring the health status of endpoints in a profile and the amount of traffic that a profile receives. These metrics are now generally available.

  • Traffic Manager
  • Features
6 21

Column-level security is now supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Azure SQL Data Warehouse supports column-level security.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features


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