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Azure の更新情報

クラウド投資のニーズに合わせて、Azure 製品や機能に関する最新の更新プログラムを入手できます。最新情報を入手するために通知を受け取ることができます。

RSS フィード

3月 2024

3 21

Public preview: Public IP Domain Name Label Scope


Announcing the public preview for a new capability in Azure public IP address that can prevent DNS subdomain takeover while still allowing for re-use of DNS names.

  • Azure DNS
  • Features
3 20

Public preview: Database watcher for Azure SQL


ターゲット可用性: Q1 2024

Enable in-depth, managed monitoring of Azure SQL databases, elastic pools, and managed instances.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Azure SQL
  • Features
3 20

Generally available: Application Gateway (v2) IPv6 support


Azure Application Gateway v2 enables dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) connectivity from the clients, providing more flexible and reliable access to the backend Applications.

  • Application Gateway
  • Services
  • Security
  • Features
3 19

General availability: Listener TLS certificates management in the Azure portal


You can now manage the TLS certificates associated with Listeners through Azure portal.

  • Application Gateway
  • Services
  • Security
  • Management
  • Features
3 19

Operator and CRD support with Azure Managed Prometheus


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus will support CRD-based configs for scrape jobs to collect metrics from workloads running in your AKS cluster. With this new update, customers can use custom resources (service monitor and pod monitor) to configure metric collection with Managed Prometheus.

  • Azure Monitor
  • マネージド Prometheus
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 19

Microsoft open sources Retina: A cloud-native container networking observability platform


The Microsoft's Azure Container Networking team is announcing Retina, a cloud-native container networking observability platform that enables Kubernetes users, admins, and developers to visualize, observe, debug, and analyze Kubernetes’ workload traffic irrespective of Container Network Interface (CNI), operating system (OS), and cloud.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Network Watcher
  • Services
  • Features
  • Open Source
3 19

Billing for Azure Monitor stateful log search alerts


Starting from May 1, 2024, you will be charged for stateful log alerts in Azure Monitor.

  • Services
  • Compliance
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Kubernetes AI Toolchain Operator (KAITO) add-on for AKS


You can now choose from preset LLMs with images hosted by AKS and split inferencing across multiple lower-GPU count VMs

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Cost analysis add-on for AKS


You can now better understand the infra costs associated with running applications at the namespace and cluster levels and identify opportunities to optimize resource utilization through an Azure native experience.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Windows Gen 2 VM support in AKS


YOu can now use Gen 2 VM SKUs for Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Windows GPU support in AKS


You can now run GPU workloads, such as machine learning, video encoding, large simulations, and gaming, on Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Kubernetes 1.29 support in AKS


You can now take advantage of Kubernetes 1.29 version with AKS in production environment.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Custom kubelet configuration for Windows in AKS


You can now modify default values for kubelet parameters when using Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Azure CNI static block IP allocation support in AKS


You can now scale beyond the current 65k Pod IPs and scale up to 1 Million Pods.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Deployment safeguards in AKS

You can now use deployment safeguards to implement Kubernetes best practices and get warnings on deployment or deny the deployment of manifest files that are not following best practices.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Azure CNI overlay dual stack Support in AKS (Linux only)


You can now deploy AKS clusters in dual stack mode which now enables resource connection through IPv4 or IPv6.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: VM IP based load balancer in AKS


You can now choose IP-based backend pool membership for new or existing clusters in AKS.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Host Network Security Group (NSG) control in AKS


You can now directly configure allowed ports in your nodepool settings.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Security
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: HostPort auto assign in AKS


AKS now lets you deploy pods without manually specifying host ports.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Instance level Public IP tags in AKS


You can now utilize Azure routing preference for your cluster, public node IPs in AKS

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Security
  • Features

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最新のニュースと発表を Azure ブログでお読みください。


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