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7月 2020 の毎月の更新情報

7 7

Azure Load Balancer support for IP-based backend pool management is in preview


Azure Load Balancer now supports adding and removing resources from a backend pool via an IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and virtual network ID. This will enable you to easily manage the containers, virtual machines, and virtual machine scale sets associated with their load balancer. It will also allow IP addresses to be reserved as part of a backend pool before the associated resources are created.

  • Load Balancer
  • Management
  • Features
7 7

Upcoming changes to JSON flattening and storage for new Azure Time Series Insights deployments


Azure Time Series Insights is making changes to JSON telemetry data flattening and storage. These changes will go into effect 10 July 2020 for new deployments only.

  • Azure Time Series Insights
  • Features
7 7

Azure Stream Analytics tools for Visual Studio Code now supports Visual Studio Codespaces


Azure Stream Analytics tools for Visual Studio Code now supports Visual Studio Codespaces.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Features
7 1

Virtual machine scale sets—Automatic image upgrades for custom images now available


Virtual machine scale sets now provide the ability to automatically deploy new versions of custom images to scale set virtual machines.

  • Virtual Machine Scale Set
  • Features
6 30

Azure Security Center—News and updates for June 2020


New enhancements and updates were made to Azure Security Center in June 2020.

  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Security
  • Features


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