• 1 min read

Virtual Academy: Exploring Microservice Architecture

Join us on May 5, for “Exploring Microservices in Docker and Microsoft Azure,” as we learn from leading experts Bob Familiar and Kris Lankford. We’ll investigate the benefits and challenges of microservices, with real-life examples and demos.

Monoliths or microservices?

Your choice! But more and more Devs are leaning toward microservices, which you can use to update your site in milliseconds. They are supported by Microsoft Azure, offered as a service, and highly scalable, resilient, and composable units of deployment for modern applications. Self-contained for fit and purpose, they are a key part of the world of continuous delivery and DevOps.

If you’re curious about the details, whether you’re building a site from scratch or fine-tuning an existing one, join us on May 5, for “Exploring Microservices in Docker and Microsoft Azure,” as we learn from leading experts Bob Familiar and Kris Lankford. We’ll investigate the benefits and challenges of microservices, with real-life examples and demos. And we’ll compare them with containers, as we look at Azure (.NET and PHP) and Docker (Node.js), and then bring them all together with an API layer. The future of application architecture is looking bright!

Course Outline

  • From Monolithic to Microservice: A Brief History
  • What Microservices Are and Why They Are Important
  • Microservice Logical Architecture
  • ​Creating Your First Microservice
  • Microservice Deployment Scenarios: Instances and Containers


Register now! (https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/liveevents/exploring-microservices-in-docker-and-microsoft-azure)

Exploring Microservices in Docker and Microsoft Azure

Date: May 5, 2015
Time: 9am‒5pm PDT
Where: Live, online virtual classroom
Cost: Free!