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.NET: Manage Azure Container Service, Cosmos DB, Active Directory Graph and more

We released 1.1 of the Azure Management Libraries for .NET. This release adds support for: Cosmos DB, Azure Container Service, and Registry Active Directory Graph...

We released 1.1 of the Azure Management Libraries for .NET. This release adds support for:

Cosmos DB Azure Container Service and Registry Active Directory Graph


Getting started

You can download 1.1 from:


Create a Cosmos DB with DocumentDB API

You can create a Cosmos DB account by using a define() … create() method chain.

var documentDBAccount = azure.DocumentDBAccounts.Define(docDBName)

In addition, you can:

Create an Azure Container Registry

You can create an Azure Container Registry by using a define() … create() method chain.

var azureRegistry = azure.ContainerRegistries.Define("acrdemo")

You can get Azure Container Registry credentials by using ListCredentials().

RegistryListCredentials acrCredentials = azureRegistry.ListCredentials();

Create an Azure Container Service with Kubernetes Orchestration

You can create an Azure Container Service by using a define() … create() method chain.

var azureContainerService = azure.ContainerServices.Define(acsName)
      .WithServicePrincipal(servicePrincipalClientId, servicePrincipalSecret)

Create Service Principal with Subscription Access

You can create a service principal and assign it to a subscription with contributor role by using a define() … create() method chain.

var servicePrincipal = authenticated.ServicePrincipals.Define("spName")
      // define credentials
      // define certificate credentials
            // export credentials to a file
            .WithAuthFileToExport(new StreamWriter
                                     (new FileStream(authFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))
      .WithNewRoleInSubscription(role, subscriptionId)

Similarly, you can:

Try it

You can get more samples from GitHub. Give it a try and let us know what do you think by emailing us or commenting below.