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Announcing general availability of Bash in Cloud Shell

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Bash in Azure Cloud Shell. Bash in Cloud Shell provides an interactive web-based, Linux command-line experience from virtually anywhere. Learn more about Bash in Cloud Shell at aka.ms/cloudshell/bash.

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Bash in Azure Cloud Shell. Bash in Cloud Shell provides an interactive web-based, Linux command-line experience from virtually anywhere. With a single click through Azure portal, Azure documentation, or the Azure mobile app, users gain access to a secure and authenticated Azure workstation to manage and deploy resources from a native Linux environment held in Azure. Learn more about Bash in Cloud Shell.

Traditional command-line environments include the overhead of managing and installing dependencies for select tools before getting real work done. Bash in Cloud Shell saves time and effort when managing Azure resources by ensuring users are never far from a ready-to-use Azure environment maintained by Microsoft.

Bash in Cloud Shell comes equipped with commonly used CLI tools, including Linux shell interpreters, Azure tools, text editors, source control, build tools, container tools, database tools, and more. It enables simple, secure authentication to use Azure resources with Azure CLI 2.0. Azure File shares enable file persistence through clouddrive to store scripts and settings.

Bash improvements since launch

Since public preview in May, we’ve incorporated ample feedback from the community to improve the Bash in Cloud Shell experience including:

  • 10+ new default tools for bash
  • Improved bash history for concurrent sessions
  • Persisted font size preference
  • Performance improvements for faster shell start-up
  • Tmux support
  • Terraform auto-authentication

Get started

Getting started is simple, visit portal.azure.com and click the Cloud Shell icon in the top toolbar to set up your file share and start your Cloud Shell journey!


Our customers will always be the core of what drives Azure and Cloud Shell. Our incredible community of end-users and partners enable our great experiences. Thank you all for your feedback that has shaped Cloud Shell, we look forward to receiving more at our Cloud Shell Feedback Forum.