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Brianna McGovern

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Published • 8 min read

Microsoft Cost Management の更新 - 2023 年 11 月 

Microsoft は常に、課題の詳細と、クラウドでコストが発生している場所の把握、不適切な支出パターンの特定と防止、コストの最適化を支援して、より少ないコストで多くのことを行う方法について学習する方法を探しています。詳細情報。

a man sitting in front of a computer

Published • 5 min read

Microsoft is now a FinOps Certified Service Provider 

In an era where cloud computing has become the backbone of modern business operations, efficient financial management is the linchpin that keeps organizations agile and cost-effective. In support of that, we are thrilled to announce that Microsoft has achieved a milestone that reaffirms our commitment to empowering our customers and partners in their journey towards optimized cloud spending. We are now a FinOps Certified Service Provider.

a person using a laptop computer sitting on top of a table