• 1 min read

Announcing the Solution Template for Jenkins on Azure

I am excited to announce the solution template for Jenkins in Azure Marketplace. Customers can now deploy and provision a fully configured Jenkins instance in minutes, and use Azure services anywhere across the globe.

Have you been looking for the Microsoft Azure Marketplace image for Jenkins on Azure? We removed it because the Jenkins version used is outdated. I am excited to announce the replacement and share some updates from our team.

Solution template for Jenkins in Azure Marketplace

The solution template for Jenkins in Azure Marketplace is designed to configure a Jenkins instance following best practices with minimal Azure knowledge. You can now easily provision a fully configured Jenkins instance in minutes with a single-click through the Azure portal and a handful of user inputs.

The template installs the latest stable Jenkins version on a Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) Virtual Machine along with the following tools and plugins configured to work with Azure:

You can find a 5-min quickstart that provides a step-by-step walkthrough on the new Jenkins Hub. And yes, we now have a central hub where you can get all Jenkins on Azure resources.

Azure Credentials plugin version 1.2

We updated the Azure Credentials plugin so that you can now retrieve an Azure service principal and use it in Azure CLI.

In the below code snippet, substitute 'my service principal' with your credential ID in your Jenkins instance.

withCredentials([azureServicePrincipal('my service principal')]) {
  sh 'az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_CLIENT_ID -p $AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET -t $AZURE_TENANT_ID'

This article on Jenkins Hub shows you how to create a Jenkins pipeline, checks out the source code in a GitHub repo, runs maven and then uses Azure CLI to deploy to Azure App service.

As always, we would love to get your feedback via comments. You can also email Azure Jenkins Support to let us know what you think.