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Aggiornamenti mensili per settembre 2020

28 set

Azure Sphere 20.09 is now available


The Azure Sphere 20.09 OS quality update is now available in the Retail feed.

  • Azure Sphere
  • Operating System
28 set

Azure Container Registry now available in several new regions


Disponibilità di destinazione: Q3 2020

Azure Container Registry is now generally available in US Gov Texas, Germany West Central, and Brazil Southeast regions bringing the number of Azure regions that it’s available in to 38.

  • Registro Azure Container
  • Services
  • Regions & Datacenters
23 set

Nuove funzionalità di controllo della manutenzione


Incrementa il controllo sulle operazioni di manutenzione e assicura una disponibilità più elevata per le applicazioni strategiche per il business grazie a due funzionalità ora disponibili in anteprima. Puoi ora pianificare le operazioni di manutenzione degli host, oltre agli aggiornamenti manuali già disponibili. È ora inoltre disponibile anche la possibilità di controllare quando vengono implementati gli aggiornamenti delle immagini del sistema operativo guest nei set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali.

  • Macchine virtuali
  • Set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali
  • Features
23 set

Column-level encryption for Azure Synapse Analytics


Azure Synapse Analytics already provides a breadth of options that can be used to handle sensitive data in a secure manner—we are expanding that support with the introduction of Column Level Encryption (CLE).

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
23 set

COPY command now generally available in Azure Synapse Analytics


The COPY command can now automatically parse your files to calculate file splits and can evenly distribute data chunks across the Synapse SQL compute nodes for parallel ingestion.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
23 set

New MERGE command for Azure Synapse Analytics


Users can now synchronize two tables in a single step, streamlining the data processing using a single step statement while improving code readability and debugging.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
23 set

Windows IoT Microsoft Edge Kiosk Mode in public preview


Microsoft Edge can now be run in Kiosk mode on Windows IoT

  • Servizi Windows 10 IoT Core
  • Operating System
  • Features
22 set

Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server now in preview


Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server is a new deployment option that provides better control and flexibility, more options for high availability, and cost optimization controls.

  • Database di Azure per PostgreSQL
  • Features
22 set

Logic Apps updated with new hosting options, improved performance and developer workflows


Logic Apps is now updated with new hosting options and performance and development improvements that will enable you to build modern workflow-enabled apps.

  • App per la logica
  • Features
22 set

Debug API Management policies in real time


Debug API Management policies with the Visual Studio Code extension for Azure API Management

  • Gestione API
  • Services
22 set

Configurable Backup Storage Redundancy option for Azure SQL Managed Instance


Now in general availability, locally redundant storage (LRS) and zone-redundant storage (ZRS) options have been added to backup storage redundancy, providing more flexibility and choice.

  • Database SQL di Azure
  • Features
22 set

Azure Arc enabled data services now in preview


Run Azure Arc enabled data services on premises on any infrastructure of your choice with Azure cloud benefits like elastic scale, unified management, and a cloud billing model while staying always current.

  • Azure Arc
  • Services
  • Management
22 set

Accelera le analisi e i carichi di lavoro di intelligenza artificiale con Delta Engine con tecnologia Photon in Azure Databricks


Delta Engine con tecnologia Photon è un motore di query vettorizzato compatibile al 100% con Apache Spark, progettato per sfruttare i vantaggi dell'architettura CPU moderna per offrire un'elaborazione parallela estremamente veloce dei dati.

  • Azure Databricks
  • Services
  • Features
22 set

High throughput output from Stream Analytics to Azure Synapse Analytics (General Availability)


With a brand new output connector to Synapse SQL Pools, Stream Analytics can now support throughput rates even higher than 200MB/sec while ensuring ultra-low latencies.

  • Analisi di flusso di Azure
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
22 set

Azure Stream Analytics clusters with VNet support (Preview)


Azure Stream Analytics clusters delivers support for Azure Virtual Network (VNet) and more predictable performance.

  • Analisi di flusso di Azure
  • Features
22 set

Il servizio Ancoraggi di oggetti di Azure è ora disponibile in anteprima privata


Disponibilità di destinazione: Q3 2020

Allinea e ancora i contenuti olografici agli oggetti. Iscriviti alla verifica dell'idoneità per l'anteprima privata di Ancoraggi di oggetti di Azure.

  • Services
  • Features
22 set

Announcing Private Azure Marketplace in public preview


Private Azure Marketplace enables you to govern the apps available for deployment for your organization

  • Marketplace
  • Services
  • Features
22 set

GA: Azure Kubernetes Service mutate default storage class feature


AKS users now have the flexibility to use a different storage class instead of the default storage class.

  • Servizio Azure Kubernetes
  • Features
22 set

Redis Enterprise features on Azure Cache for Redis coming soon


Two new tiers will be coming soon in preview for Azure Cache for Redis through a collaboration with Redis Labs: Enterprise and Enterprise Flash.

  • Cache di Azure per Redis
  • Features
22 set

Azure AD authentication features for Azure SQL DB, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure SQL Managed Instance


These new preview features extend existing functionality, remove user limitations, and provide customers with greater ease of use when setting up Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance.

  • Database SQL di Azure
  • Features


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