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Aggiornamenti mensili per luglio 2017

28 lug

Azure Cosmos DB: Change Feed Processor NuGet package now available


Azure Cosmos DB provides the Change Feed Processor Library to parallelize change feed processing in a NuGet package.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
27 lug

Istanze del servizio contenitore di Azure


Siamo felici di annunciare un nuovo servizio di Azure che rende ancora più semplice la distribuzione di contenitori. Istanze di contenitore di Azure, il primo servizio di questo tipo disponibile sul cloud, è un nuovo servizio di Azure che distribuisce contenitori con grande semplicità e velocità e senza infrastruttura di Macchine virtuali da gestire.

  • Features
27 lug

General availability: Instant file recovery from Azure VM backups


Instant recovery of files from Azure VM backups is generally available.

  • Backup di Azure
  • Services
26 lug

New look for Azure Storage overview blade in the portal

In the Azure portal, the overview blade for storage accounts now loads faster, allows quickly accessible links to storage services, and includes upgraded metrics charts.

  • Portale di Microsoft Azure
  • Account di archiviazione
  • Management
  • Features
21 lug

Virtualizzazione annidata in Azure


Siamo lieti di annunciare che è ora possibile abilitare la virtualizzazione annidata con le dimensioni di macchine virtuali Dv3 ed Ev3.

  • Features
21 lug

Macchine virtuali di Azure: nuove dimensioni di macchine virtuali Dv3 ed Ev3


Siamo lieti di annunciare la disponibilità a livello generale delle nuove dimensioni di macchine virtuali Dv3. Abbiamo anche cambiato il nome per le dimensioni D (D11-D14) con memoria elevata, che sono ora diventate la famiglia Ev3. 

  • Features
20 lug

Azure Automation available in Brazil South region

Azure Automation is available in the Brazil South region.

  • Automazione
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Management
20 lug

Azure Active Directory B2C UI change

We've made updates to the navigation page of Azure Active Directory B2C to make the service more accessible. Further updates in the coming months will provide a better user experience.

  • Azure Active Directory B2C
  • Services
  • Compliance
19 lug

Azure SQL Data Warehouse: Troubleshoot with the Resource Health check

Reduce troubleshooting time with the upgraded Resource Health check for SQL Data Warehouse.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Management
  • Features
19 lug

Azure SQL DB: Generate scripts by using mssql-scripter


You can use mssql-scripter on Linux, macOS, and Windows to generate DDL and DML T-SQL scripts for database objects in SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

  • Database SQL di Azure
  • Management
  • SDK and Tools
18 lug

Improvements to blob upload blade in Azure portal

There are multiple enhancements and fixes to the blob upload experience for storage accounts in the Azure portal.

  • Portale di Microsoft Azure
  • Account di archiviazione
  • Features
18 lug

Azure Backup available in Korea

Azure Backup is now available in Korea. It's a service that you can use to back up (or protect) and restore your data in the Microsoft Cloud.

  • Backup di Azure
  • Regions & Datacenters
18 lug

Azure Site Recovery available in Korea

Korea customers can now use Azure Site Recovery to help protect their critical applications on physical and virtual infrastructures.

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Regions & Datacenters
18 lug

Logic Apps is ISO, HIPAA, CSA STAR, PCI DSS, SOC, and EU Model Clauses compliant

The Logic Apps feature of Azure App Service is now ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27018, HIPAA, CSA STAR, PCI DSS, SOC, and EU Model Clauses compliant.

  • App per la logica
  • Compliance
18 lug

Azure Data Lake Analytics now supports new policies to manage compute resources (AUs)

Implement your organization's policies to ensure that compute resources (AUs) are always available for your most critical U-SQL jobs.

  • Data Lake Analytics
  • Features
17 lug

Logic Apps available in UK regions

Azure Logic Apps is available in the UK West and UK South Azure regions.

  • App per la logica
  • Regions & Datacenters
14 lug

Azure Network Watcher: Blob storage path update for NSG flow logs

On July 31, 2017, the Azure Network Watcher team will begin to update the Azure Blob storage path for NSG flow logs.

  • Network Watcher
  • Features
13 lug

General availability: Azure Relay Hybrid Connections


Azure Relay Hybrid Connections is generally available.

  • Bus di servizio
  • Features
13 lug

General availability: Event Hubs Capture (formerly Archive)


Event Hubs Capture (formerly Archive) is generally available.

  • Hub eventi
  • Features
12 lug

Public preview: Connectivity check in Azure Network Watcher


Use Azure Network Watcher connectivity check to test connectivity between Azure virtual machines.

  • Network Watcher
  • Features


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