Bulk copy using Azure Data Factory
This template creates a data factory that copies a number of tables from Azure SQL Database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
When you deploy this Azure Resource Manager template, a data factory of version 2 is created with the following entities:
- Azure Storage linked service
- Azure SQL Database linked service
- Azure Blob input datasets
- Azure SQL Datbase output dataset
- Pipeline with a copy activity
The prerequisites for this template are mentioned in the Tutorial: Copy multiple tables in bulk by using Azure Data Factory article.
The template creates the Azure SQL database that's based on the Adventure Works LT sample template. It also creates a SQL data warehouse. You need to use the Migration Utility to migrate schema from the SQL database to the SQL data warehouse.
Next steps
- Click the Deployment succeeded message.
- Click Go to resource group.
- Search for *datafactory that's created. Click the data factory in the list to launch the home page for the data factory.
- Click Author & Monitor tile to launch the Data Factory UI in a separate tab.
- Follow instructions in the tutorial article to run and monitor the pipeline.
Tags: Microsoft.DataFactory/factories, linkedservices, AzureStorage, SecureString, AzureSqlDatabase, AzureSqlDW, datasets, AzureSqlTable, LinkedServiceReference, AzureSqlDWTable, Expression, pipelines, ForEach, Copy, SqlSource, SqlDWSink, DatasetReference, Lookup, ExecutePipeline, PipelineReference, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Sql/servers, firewallrules, databases