Bulk copy using Azure Data Factory

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This template creates a data factory that copies a number of tables from Azure SQL Database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

When you deploy this Azure Resource Manager template, a data factory of version 2 is created with the following entities:

  • Azure Storage linked service
  • Azure SQL Database linked service
  • Azure Blob input datasets
  • Azure SQL Datbase output dataset
  • Pipeline with a copy activity


The prerequisites for this template are mentioned in the Tutorial: Copy multiple tables in bulk by using Azure Data Factory article.

The template creates the Azure SQL database that's based on the Adventure Works LT sample template. It also creates a SQL data warehouse. You need to use the Migration Utility to migrate schema from the SQL database to the SQL data warehouse.

Next steps

  1. Click the Deployment succeeded message.
  2. Click Go to resource group.
  3. Search for *datafactory that's created. Click the data factory in the list to launch the home page for the data factory.
  4. Click Author & Monitor tile to launch the Data Factory UI in a separate tab.
  5. Follow instructions in the tutorial article to run and monitor the pipeline.

Tags: Microsoft.DataFactory/factories, linkedservices, AzureStorage, SecureString, AzureSqlDatabase, AzureSqlDW, datasets, AzureSqlTable, LinkedServiceReference, AzureSqlDWTable, Expression, pipelines, ForEach, Copy, SqlSource, SqlDWSink, DatasetReference, Lookup, ExecutePipeline, PipelineReference, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Sql/servers, firewallrules, databases