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Query Acceleration for Azure Data Lake Storage now in preview

Published date: April 29, 2020

The explosion of data-driven decision making is motivating businesses to have a data strategy to provide better customer experiences, improve operational efficiencies, and make real-time decisions based on data. As businesses become data driven, we see more customers build data lakes on Azure. We also hear that more cost optimization and more performance are two of the most important features of data lake architecture on Azure. Normally, these two qualities are traded off for each other—if you want more performance, you will need to pay more; if you want to save money, expect your performance curve to go down.

That’s why today, we’re announcing the preview of Query Acceleration for Azure Data Lake Storage—a new capability of Azure Data Lake Storage, which improves both performance and cost. The feature is now available for customers to start realizing these benefits and improving their data lake deployment on Azure.

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  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Features