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septembre 2023

26 sept.

General availability: Gateway Load Balancer IPv6 Support


IPv6 support for Gateway Load Balancer is now generally available in all regions, enabling bump-in-the-wire network virtual appliance (NVA) insertion for your dual-stack architectures.

  • Load Balancer
  • Application Gateway
  • Security
  • Services
  • Features

juillet 2023

10 juil.

Azure’s cross-region Load Balancer is now generally available


Azure Load Balancer support for cross-region load balancing is now generally available. You can now load balance across Azure regions enabling a globally redundant architecture via Azure Load Balancer.

  • Load Balancer
  • Services
  • Features

juin 2023

8 juin

General availability: Inbound ICMPv6 pings and traceroute are now supported on Azure Load Balancer


Ping and traceroute to both IPv4 and IPv6 frontend of a Standard Public Load Balancer like you natively would on an on-premises device without any external software needed.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features
1 juin

General availability: Azure Load Balancer per VM limit removal


Increase resiliency, higher availability, and flexibility by utilizing more than 2 Standard Load Balancers per VM.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features

mai 2023

8 mai

General availability: Inbound ICMPv4 pings are now supported on Azure Load Balancer


Inbound ICMPv4 pings are now supported on Azure Load Balancer.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features

novembre 2022

30 nov.

General availability: 12 months free services for new Azure PAYG customers


With an Azure free account, you can explore with free amounts of 55+ always free services.

  • Media Services
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Service Bus
  • Load Balancer
  • Ordinateurs virtuels
  • Key Vault
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Base de données Azure pour PostgreSQL
  • Base de données Azure pour MySQL
  • Stockage Blob Azure
  • Fichiers Azure
  • Azure AI services
  • Azure AI Vision
  • Security
  • Services

septembre 2022

30 sept.

Azure Basic Load Balancer will be retired on 30 September 2025—upgrade to Standard Load Balancer

Date de suppression cible : septembre 30, 2025

Basic Load Balancer will be retired.

  • Load Balancer
  • Retirements

juillet 2022

14 juil.

Generally available: Azure Gateway Load Balancer


Gateway Load Balancer enables you to deploy, scale, and enhance the availability of third party network virtual appliances (NVAs) in Azure with ease.

  • Load Balancer
  • Services
  • Features

mars 2022

31 mars

General availability: Bring your own IP ranges to Azure


Bring your own public IP ranges to Azure to retain existing reputation or to prevent your customers from needing to modify dependencies (e.g. firewalls or other hardcoding) on their network.

  • Load Balancer
  • Virtual Network
  • Features
21 mars

General availability: Inbound NAT rule now supports port management for backend pools


You can now specify target backend pool in inbound NAT rule for less management overhead when configuring port forwarding.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features

janvier 2022

10 janv.

Generally available: Load Balancer SKU upgrade through PowerShell script


Upgrade to Standard SKU Load Balancer easily through a simple PowerShell script and take advantage of enhanced capabilities.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features

novembre 2021

2 nov.

Gateway Load Balancer est maintenant en préversion publique


Gateway Load Balancer vous permet de déployer, mettre à l’échelle et améliorer la disponibilité des appliances virtuelles réseau tierces dans Azure en toute simplicité

  • Load Balancer
  • Microsoft Ignite
  • Services

mars 2021

2 mars

Azure Load Balancer support for IP-based backend pool management is now generally available


Azure Load Balancer support for adding and removing resources from a backend pool via IP address is now generally available. This enables IP addresses to be reserved as part of a backend pool before the associated resources are created.

  • Load Balancer
  • Management
  • Features

février 2021

15 févr.

Standard Load Balancer et les métadonnées d’adresses IP sont maintenant disponibles via Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)


Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) est une API REST avancée qui offre des informations sur les métadonnées relatives à la mise en réseau, au stockage, aux SKU, etc. Nous ajoutons maintenant les informations associées à Load Balancer à la liste des métadonnées couvertes par IMDS.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features

janvier 2021

11 janv.

Public IP SKU upgrade generally available


Azure public IPs now support the ability to be upgraded from Basic to Standard SKU, enabling customers to retain the same IP address for services that require Standard IP frontends.

  • Adresses IP
  • Load Balancer
  • Features

octobre 2020

6 oct.

Standard Load Balancer and Public IP addresses support resource group move


Standard Load Balancers and Standard Public IP addresses support cross resource group moves enabling easy management of resources at the resource group level.

  • Load Balancer
  • Adresses IP
  • Features

septembre 2020

22 sept.

Preview: Azure Load Balancer now supports cross-region load balancing


Azure Load Balancer now supports load balancing across regions based on health and latency.

  • Load Balancer
  • Services

août 2020

31 août

Modifications à venir des adresses IP publiques standard et de Standard Load Balancer


Le comportement lié à la zone dans l’adresse IP publique standard et Standard Load Balancer est modifié.

  • Load Balancer
  • Virtual Network
  • Adresses IP
  • Features

juillet 2020

8 juil.

Présentation d’Azure Load Balancer Insights avec Azure Monitor pour réseaux


Les clients Azure Load Balancer disposent désormais d’un accès instantané à une solution préconfigurée pour la surveillance de l’intégrité et l’analyse de la configuration, ce qui permet une localisation rapide des erreurs et la prise de décisions informées en matière de conception.

  • Load Balancer
  • Services
  • Pricing & Offerings
7 juil.

Azure Load Balancer support for IP-based backend pool management is in preview


Azure Load Balancer now supports adding and removing resources from a backend pool via an IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and virtual network ID. This will enable you to easily manage the containers, virtual machines, and virtual machine scale sets associated with their load balancer. It will also allow IP addresses to be reserved as part of a backend pool before the associated resources are created.

  • Load Balancer
  • Management
  • Features

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