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Mises à jour mensuelles pour juin 2021

9 juin

Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server: Planned Maintenance Notifications in general availability


Set up alerts on the Azure portal to be notified about planned deployments for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server, a managed service running the open-source Postgres database.

  • Base de données Azure pour MySQL
  • Open Source
9 juin

General availability: Application Insights Node.js pre-aggregated standard metrics


Azure Monitor Application Insights Node.js SDK adds pre-aggregated standard metrics to enhance accuracy of alerts when telemetry sampling is enabled.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
9 juin

Préversion publique : Collecte d’événements Syslog à partir de l’agent Azure Monitor pour distributions Linux


Effectuez une mise à niveau vers l’agent Azure Monitor pour Linux version 1.10 ou ultérieure afin d’activer la collecte de données Syslog à l’aide des règles de collecte de données pour vos machines Linux. 

  • Azure Monitor
  • Management
  • Features
9 juin

General availability: Enterprise-scale landing zone reference implementation for AKS


Rapidly adopt Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using industry-proven practices.

  • Service Azure Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Features
9 juin

Azure Cache for Redis zone redundancy for Premium tier now generally available


Azure Cache for Redis zone redundancy allows you to deploy your Premium tier caches across multiple availability zones, delivering higher availability and resiliency.

  • Cache Azure pour Redis
  • Management
  • Features
9 juin

Azure Migrate private endpoint support available in public preview


Secure your connection to Azure Migrate services with Azure Migrate Private Link.

  • Azure Migrate
  • Services
9 juin

Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server: Support for Postgres 13 (public preview)


Create new Flexible Servers using PostgreSQL 13 version for Azure Database for PostgreSQL, a managed service running the open source Postgres database on Azure.

  • Base de données Azure pour PostgreSQL
  • Open Source
9 juin

Open source API portal now generally availabile


You can create and publish a customized site with API documentation, automatically generated from OpenAPI files. 

  • Gestion des API
  • Features
9 juin

Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server supports PostgreSQL minor versions (public preview)


Benefit from the latest PostgreSQL minor versions that include many security updates and bug fixes for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server, a managed service running the open-source Postgres database.

  • Base de données Azure pour PostgreSQL
  • Open Source
7 juin

General availability: Update in Policy Compliance for Resource Type Policies


Azure Policy built-in policies in which resource type is the only evaluation criterion (e.g. Allowed Resource Types, Disallowed Resource Types) have updated logic to provide a more accurate assessment of your overall environment when aggregated with other policies.

  • Azure Policy
  • Services
  • Management
7 juin

Azure Backup: Upgrade to TLS 1.2 or above for secure MARS agent backups by September 1, 2021


Disponibilité cible : Q3 2021

Support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 ends September 1, 2021, please upgrade to TLS 1.2 to ensure secure and uninterrupted backups using MARS agent

  • Sauvegarde Azure
  • Security
  • Services
  • Management
4 juin

General availability: ExpressRoute Global Reach Pricing Reduction


ExpressRoute Global Reach allows you to link ExpressRoute circuits together to make a private network between your on-premises networks. The data transfer price for this offering is now 50% lower.

  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Circuits ExpressRoute
  • Pricing & Offerings
4 juin

General availability: Key Rotation and Expiration Policies for Azure Storage


Disponibilité cible : Q2 2021

Access Key Expiration and Policy support for Azure Storage Accounts

  • Comptes de stockage
  • Features
4 juin

Azure Maps Creator is now generally available


Azure Maps Creator provides an end-to-end solution for private indoor maps.

  • Azure Maps
  • Features
3 juin

General availability: Azure DevOps Delivery Plans 2.0


With this update, we are including changes to Azure Boards and Azure Pipelines. You can now get total capacity for all teams in an iteration. In addition, we are previewing support for templates in the YAML editor.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
3 juin

Now Available: Pricing changes to Azure Sentinel and Azure Monitor to help you reduce costs


Enjoy additional cost savings with the new price changes to Azure Sentinel and Azure monitor. These changes took effect on June 2, 2021.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Sentinel
  • Security
  • Pricing & Offerings
3 juin

Public preview: Identity-based connections in Azure Functions with latest Azure SDK triggers and bindings


Azure functions can now connect using an identity instead of a secret.

  • Azure Functions
  • SDK and Tools
  • Security
2 juin

Azure Digital Twins Explorer disponible en préversion publique


Un outil de développement visuel pour l’exploration de votre jumeau numérique est désormais disponible en tant qu’application web.

  • Azure Digital Twins
  • Features
2 juin

General availability: Azure API Management Premium tier price reduction for incremental purchased units


After the first purchased unit, a price reduction of 50% will be applied on all subsequent units purchased.

  • Gestion des API
  • Pricing & Offerings
2 juin

Azure Security Center: Public preview updates for May 2021


Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure Security Center in May 2021.

  • Microsoft Defender pour le cloud
  • Security
  • Services


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