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Mises à jour mensuelles pour juillet 2018

16 juil.

Azure SQL Database supports auto-failover


Auto-failover groups are now generally available for Azure SQL Database, supporting transparent geographic failover of multiple databases with automatic activation.

  • Features
16 juil.

Azure Service Fabric introduces its fully managed option, Service Fabric Mesh


Azure Service Fabric introduces its fully managed option, Service Fabric Mesh, for building, deploying, and running business-critical microservice applications.

  • Features
15 juil.

Announcing the public preview for Azure Data Box Disk


Azure Data Box Disk provides a simple, secure, SSD disk based offering for offline data transfer to Azure

  • Features
15 juil.

Azure Maps unveils satellite imagery, batch services, and advanced geospatial functionality


Azure Maps is releasing satellite and hybrid imagery, dark gray-scale map styling, IP lookup service, batch services, and advanced geospatial functionality.

  • Features
13 juil.

Lenovo XClarity Integrator pour Azure Log Analytics


Lenovo XClarity Integrator pour Azure Log Analytics est disponible dans la Place de marché Azure.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Gallery
13 juil.

General availability: Azure DevOps Projects


Azure DevOps Projects is generally available.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
12 juil.

Azure Functions Runtime x Preview—breaking change for HttpTrigger for Java

A new version of the Azure Functions Runtime will be deployed soon. It uses the latest version of Azure Java Functions Library v1.0.0-beta-5, which has breaking changes that affect HttpTrigger Java functions.

  • Azure Functions
  • SDK and Tools
12 juil.

Public preview: Azure Data Box Disk


Azure Data Box Disk, an SSD-disk based option for offline data transfer to Azure, is now in preview.

  • Services
10 juil.

General availability: Microsoft-hosted Linux and macOS agents in VSTS Sprint 137 Update

In the Sprint 137 Update of Visual Studio Team Services, we've removed the "Preview" moniker from our Linux and macOS Microsoft-hosted CI/CD agents and made them generally available.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
9 juil.

Power BI Embedded dashboards with Azure Stream Analytics

Using Power BI with Azure Stream Analytics enables users of Power BI Embedded dashboards to visualize insights from streaming data within the context of the apps they use every day.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
9 juil.

Public preview: Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension for SQL Operations Studio


The Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension for SQL Operations Studio is in preview.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
6 juil.

Préversion publique : Réinitialisation du mot de passe et inscription MFA combinés


Les utilisateurs peuvent enregistrer les informations de sécurité pour l’authentification multifacteur (MFA) et la réinitialisation du mot de passe dans une expérience convergée unique.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (anciennement Azure AD)
  • Security
  • Features
6 juil.

Azure Security Center update July 1


The Azure Security Center update on July 1 includes many features, including a redesigned overview dashboard and new security recommendations.

  • Microsoft Defender pour le cloud
  • Security
  • Features
5 juil.

Apply themes to Power BI Embedded dashboards

In Power BI Embedded, you can now embed dashboards that includes themes.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
5 juil.

New documentation for Power BI Embedded REST APIs

New documentation for all of Power BI REST APIs is available.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
5 juil.

General availability: Slicers API for Power BI Embedded

The Slicers API for Power BI Embedded is generally available. It gives developers full control over the interactivity and drilling capabilities of users.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
3 juil.

Azure DevTest Labs: Auto-fill virtual machine username and password

When you create a virtual machine as a lab user, the username and password for the machine are now pre-filled.

  • Azure Dev/Test Lab
  • Features
3 juil.

Azure DevTest Labs : Remplissage automatique du nom de la machine virtuelle

Lorsque vous créez une machine virtuelle en tant qu'utilisateur du laboratoire, un nom unique est désormais généré automatiquement pour la machine et prérempli.

  • Azure Dev/Test Lab
  • Features
3 juil.

Increased reference data size in Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Stream Analytics now supports reference data with a maximum size of 300 MB.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features
2 juil.

New features for Azure dashboard tiles: resize and edit query

There's a new option to resize and edit the query of Log Analytics and Application Insights Analytics tiles pinned to Azure dashboards.

  • Application Insights
  • Log Analytics
  • Features


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