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Mises à jour mensuelles pour avril 2015

16 avr.

General Availability: Azure Premium Storage


Azure Premium Storage is a solid-state drive (SSD)–based storage offering designed to support I/O-intensive workloads.

  • Comptes de stockage
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features
14 avr.

New string features for App Service Logic Apps

With the latest release of Logic Apps, you can cancel ongoing workflow runs, and there are many new functions available for manipulating strings. We have also increased certain limits (such as the size of strings and files).

  • App Service
  • Features
14 avr.

Azure Cosmos DB Data Migration tool

Easily migrate data to Azure Cosmos DB by using the Azure Cosmos DB Data Migration tool.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
10 avr.

Updated API Help page available for Azure Machine Learning

Learn about the improvements in the April 8 release of Azure Machine Learning.

  • Machine Learning Studio (classique)
  • Features
10 avr.

Pricing changes for Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning Standard Tier pricing has changed effective April 1.

  • Machine Learning Studio (classique)
  • Pricing & Offerings
8 avr.

HDInsight: HBase cluster type supports cluster scaling

Seamlessly add or remove nodes to your HBase cluster while it is running by using the Cluster Scaling feature.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
2 avr.

Improved browser interactions for Azure preview portal

Read about improved browser interactions for the Azure portal.

  • Portail Microsoft Azure
  • Management


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