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septembre 2018

6 sept.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse enables streaming solutions with Azure Databricks


Azure SQL Data Warehouse (SQL DW) customers can build near real-time analytics solutions with tighter integration with Azure Databricks.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Azure Databricks
  • Services

août 2018

8 août

Azure Management Groups now available


Azure Management Groups provide an efficient way to manage access, policies, and compliance across an enterprise through a hierarchy made up of management groups and subscriptions.

  • Features
8 août

Instance size flexibility for Azure Reserve Virtual Machine Instances now available


Instance size flexibility is a new Azure Reserved VM Instances feature that can simplify the management of your new and existing Azure RI purchases.

  • Features
8 août

Azure Security Center—Adaptive Application Controls now generally available


Adaptive Application Controls for Azure Security Center has two new improvements that are now generally available. First, get recommendations for new file types such as MSIs and scripts. Second, group virtual machines based on the similarity of the applications they're running.

  • Features

juillet 2018

16 juil.

Azure Security Center Preview now available in Azure Government


Security is critical to government mission success. The recent Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Infrastructure represents a key example of the growing pressure on government agencies to increase their efforts around protecting highly sensitive data and systems. To address security challenges government customers face, we are announcing the preview of Azure Security Center for Azure Government.

  • Features
16 juil.

Azure Security Center is now integrated into the subscription experience


Azure Security Center is now available in the subscription experience. It's easy to enable Security Center and quickly assess the security state of your resources, get actionable recommendations, and mitigate risks.

  • Features
15 juil.

Azure Maps unveils satellite imagery, batch services, and advanced geospatial functionality


Azure Maps is releasing satellite and hybrid imagery, dark gray-scale map styling, IP lookup service, batch services, and advanced geospatial functionality.

  • Features

juin 2018

13 juin

New Azure Security Center Overview dashboard


Security Center has made several enhancements to its Overview dashboard to make it even easier for you to gain visibility into the security state of your hybrid cloud workloads and meet compliance requirements, reduce your exposure to threats, and quickly respond to detected issues.

  • Features

mai 2018

7 mai

Azure Maps now Generally Available


Azure Maps is now Generally Available

  • Features

avril 2018

10 avr.

Intégration d’IoT Hub à Event Grid


L’intégration d’Azure IoT Hub avec Azure Event Grid est actuellement disponible en préversion.

  • Features

Azure sur Microsoft Build


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