• 1 min read

What’s brewing in Visual Studio Team Services: September 2016 Digest

This post series will provide the latest updates and news for Visual Studio Team Services and will be a great way for Azure users to keep up-to-date with new features being released every three weeks.

This post series will provide the latest updates and news for Visual Studio Team Services and will be a great way for Azure users to keep up-to-date with new features being released every three weeks. Visual Studio Team Services offers the best DevOps tooling to create an efficient continuous integration and release pipeline to Azure. With the rapidly expanding list of features in Team Services, teams can start to leverage it more efficiently for all areas of their Azure workflow, for apps written in any language and deployed to any OS.

New features released in August 2016

Fall is upon us but the sun is always shining for Team Services users. In August, users got treated with a host of exciting Team Services updates – a major redesign of social coding with Git (new pull requests UI, comments with markdown and emoji, auto complete pull requests), a new clone in Git Tower option, a host of build and CI enhancements and updates in Agile tools and testing.

Viewing changes on a pull request

New navigation – get around Team Services faster

A new Team Services navigation offers a more efficient way of browsing around the various hubs within Team Services, so you can get to where you want in fewer clicks than before

New Team Service navigation as seen from the Dashboardimprovements in the Jenkins tasks in Team Services, it has become even easier to perform common scenarios such as:

  • Use Jenkins to validate your Team Services pull requests
  • Use Jenkins continuous integration for your Team Services Git repository
  • Use Jenkins to test or deploy your Team Services build
  • Download Jenkins build artifacts for use in a Team Services test, build, or release

Jenkins Queue Job task

Copying/uploading filecopy files over SSH during CI and CD. The following guides are great pointers on enabling deployment to Linux from Team Services/TFS.


If you prefer uploading files via FTP, the link your automated tests to requirements and use Dashboard widgets to track the quality of each requirements you want to track.


Team Services build pool gets .NET Core agent and more

The hosted build pool has been updated with NET Core agent.

New extensions for Team Services

See the extensions monthly roundup for a preview of Definition of Done, Personas and Product Vision extensions.


Inside Team Services – Summer Interns and Package Management

See what three awesome interns are doing to improve the Package managadison Wilcox – Team Services interns” src=”https://azurecomcdn.azureedge.net/mediahandler/acomblog/media/Default/blog/IMG_9036-500×333.jpg”>