GitHub scales on demand with Azure Functions
Flex Consumption delivers fast and large scale-out features on a serverless model and supports long function execution times, private networking, instance size selection, and concurrency control.
Flex Consumption delivers fast and large scale-out features on a serverless model and supports long function execution times, private networking, instance size selection, and concurrency control.
Live Video Analytics (LVA) provides a platform for you to build hybrid applications with video analytics capabilities. LVA offers the capability of capturing, recording, and analyzing live video and publishing the results to Azure services in the cloud and/or the edge.
Open standards will drive the future of healthcare, and today, we’re sharing the expansion of Microsoft’s portfolio for FHIR, with new open-source software (OSS) and connectors which will help customers at different stages of their journey to advance interoperability and secure exchange of Protected Health
Read the latest announcements about Azure Maps, our machine-learning tools, how we give clinicians the right data, and more.
For businesses today, data is indispensable. Innovative ideas in manufacturing, health care, transportation, and financial industries are often the result of capturing and correlating data from multiple sources.
Spring Cloud Stream Binder pour Azure Event Hubs est désormais généralement disponible.
Mise à disposition générale de l'offre Zones de disponibilité pour Service Bus et Event Hubs L'équipe Azure Messaging s'efforce en permanence d'améliorer la résilience et la disponibilité de ses offres de services - Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Hubs et Azure Event Grid.
Ce blog a été co-rédigé par Sumeet Mittal, manager principal de programme, Azure Networking.
Dans le contexte commercial actuel, face au volume de données en augmentation rapide et à la pression croissante pour réagir aux événements en temps réel, les organisations ont besoin de stratégies reposant sur les données pour obtenir de précieux insights plus rapidement et accroître leur
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