• 2 min read

Microsoft Ignite – now with more code

Ignite 2018 is going to have more developer-focused content than ever before. If you're a developer, check out why you should be heading to Orlando in September.

Microsoft Ignite is known as the place for technologists to build new skills, expand proficiencies, evaluate new tools, and network with the community. This year, we’re adding even more developer-focused content than ever before by going deep on popular and emerging developer technologies. But don’t just take my word for it, hear what Scott Hanselman has to say about this year's Ignite:

Join us in Orlando, September 24-28 to learn about the latest Microsoft innovations and advancements in cloud, client, and web development. Expand your skills through sessions, workshops, community activities, and challenge-based hack time. Dive deep with technical experts who want to hear your feedback and learn how our products can better support your development goals and use cases.

Register today to join us at Microsoft Ignite 2018

You'll get the opportunity to expand your knowledge in growth areas, such as IoT, AI, ML, DevOps, serverless, microservices, and containers. Take advantage of the languages and frameworks you already know, such as .NET, Java, and Node.js to expand your skills into these areas. Here are just a few examples of the sessions you’ll find this year at Ignite:

  • .NET Overview and Roadmap – Learn about the present and future of Microsoft .NET Platform. We’ll look at the current state of .NET, its incredible growth, and new core features. We’ll also show how .NET will help you build cutting-edge solutions for the future.
  • Azure Services Fabric Overview and the Road Ahead – Service Fabric powers Azure core infrastructure and large-scale services. Dive into the latest capabilities, including Service Fabric Mesh, containers, low-latency data processing, .NET Core 2.0, and Visual Studio 2017 integration. Learn how we’re making containerized microservice applications much easier to build.
  • Fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) with Microsoft – See Microsoft’s IoT portfolio and where it’s headed. Discover how both Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack can deliver a hybrid environment for IoT success. Learn about IoT, product roadmap, and a variety of industry-based solutions to get you up and running with IoT quickly.
  • Build Full-Stack Enterprise Node.js Apps with Visual Studio Code and Microsoft Azure – Node.js is a scalable JavaScript server runtime with a huge ecosystem of open source packages and a variety of front-end frameworks. Learn how Visual Studio Code, Microsoft’s open source, cross-platform editor, supercharges your productivity, including debugging front-end and server-side code, deploying, and even debugging remotely.

Microsoft Ignite also offers several immersive, Pre-Day sessions that will cover topics such as AI and building serverless applications in greater depth. Convinced? Register today to secure your choice of hotel and Pre-Day sessions—they’re filling up fast. I hope we'll see you in Orlando!