Azure IoT SDKs make it easy for developers to begin coding and deploy applications for Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service. The SDKs are production quality open-sourced project with support from Microsoft. If you need support for any step of your development phase, have issues during evaluation or production deployments, we are here to help! There are multiple channels where issues and requests are surfaced. We recommend the following channels for faster turnaround:
- Have a feature request for SDKs? We have a User Voice for feature requests. Create new requests, upvote existing ones and help us prioritize!
- Have a technical question? Ask on Stack Overflow with tag “azure-iot-hub”. We monitor Stack Overflow for questions. Stack Overflow’s high standard for answers will ensure you will get a complete, detailed answer to help others in the community.
- Need support? If you have an Azure subscription, you can file support requests and get assistance to help you debug. Support requests also make it possible for you to communicate confidential information that would be insecure in a public GitHub issue, such as your hub name or subscription ID. When you file a support request, please make sure you specify the SDK language, version, framework version (for Node, Java, C#, Python), OS version and device type.
- Found a bug? File an issue on GitHub (C, Java, .NET, Node.js, Python). Please make sure you provide clear repro steps, so we can provide better support!
We are committed to helping our customers in their IoT development journey. Please use these channels to get support and develop a great IoT solution!