• 2 min read

HDInsight support in Azure CLI now out of preview

We are pleased to share that support for HDInsight in Azure CLI is now generally available. The addition of the `az hdinsight` command group allows you to easily manage your HDInsight clusters using simple commands while taking advantage of all that Azure CLI has to offer, such as cross-platform support and tab completion.

We are pleased to share that support for HDInsight in Azure CLI is now generally available. The addition of the az hdinsight command group allows you to easily manage your HDInsight clusters using simple commands while taking advantage of all that Azure CLI has to offer, such as cross-platform support and tab completion.

Key Features

  • Cluster CRUD: Create, delete, list, resize, show properties, and update tags for your HDInsight clusters.
  • Script actions: Execute script actions, list and delete persistent script actions, promote ad-hoc script executions to persistent script actions, and show the execution history of script action runs.
  • Manage Azure Monitor integration: Enable, disable, and show the status of Azure Monitor integration on HDInsight clusters.
  • Applications: Create, delete, list, and show properties for applications on your HDInsight clusters.
  • Core usage: View available core counts by region before deploying large clusters.

A gif showing the creation of an HDInsight cluster using a single, simple Azure CLI command.

Create an HDInsight cluster using a single, simple Azure CLI command

Azure CLI benefits

  • Cross platform: Use Azure CLI on Windows, macOS, Linux, or the Azure Cloud Shell in a browser to manage your HDInsight clusters with the same commands and syntax across platforms.
  • Tab completion and interactive mode: Autocomplete command and parameter names as well as subscription-specific details like resource group names, cluster names, and storage account names. Don’t remember your 88-character storage account key off the top of your head? Azure CLI can autocomplete that as well!
  • Customize output: Make use of Azure CLI’s globally available arguments to show verbose or debug output, filter output using the JMESPath query language, and change the output format between json, tab-separated values, or ASCII tables, and more.

Getting started

You can get up and running to start managing your HDInsight clusters using Azure CLI with 3 easy steps.

  1. Install Azure CLI for Windows, macOS, or Linux. Alternatively, you can use Azure Cloud Shell to use Azure CLI in a browser.
  2. Log in using the az login command.
  3. Take a look at our reference documentation, “az hdinsight” or run az hdinsight -h to see a full list of supported HDInsight commands and descriptions and start using Azure CLI to manage your HDInsight clusters.

About HDInsight

Azure HDInsight is an easy, cost-effective, enterprise-grade service for open source analytics that enables customers to easily run popular open source frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, and more. The service is available in 28 public regions and Azure Government Clouds in the US, Germany, and China. Azure HDInsight powers mission-critical applications in a wide variety of sectors and enables a wide range of use cases including ETL, streaming, and interactive querying.