Deployment strategies defined
In the world of Devops practices and Cloud Native Infrastructure, the concept of deployments has evolved from an uninteresting implementation detail, to a fundamental element for modern systems.
In the world of Devops practices and Cloud Native Infrastructure, the concept of deployments has evolved from an uninteresting implementation detail, to a fundamental element for modern systems.
We have two working DC/OS clusters, one on Azure and another on vSphere – Great progress so far! Now, it’s time deploy Azure Container Registry (ACR) which will be used as a private catalog for our Docker images.
We have a working DC/OS cluster on top of vSphere but now, it’s time to deploy another cluster using Azure Container Service (ACS). Fear not, it will be much quicker to get this baby up & running in Azure with no pain what so ever.
Now that we have the Docker engine up and running and all of our network & security related configurations in place, it’s time to get the DC/OS cluster rolling on top of VMware vSphere. This is the first major milestone in our entire platform setup.
After clearing out all the security-related tweaks, configurations, and having all of our DC/OS cluster nodes installed with the Docker engine.
In part 2 of this series, we will start to dive into DC/OS 1.9 installation on top of vSphere.
These days, I try to be involved in any Containers, DevOps, Automation, etc. related discussion. Part of my role is to consult my customers around how to architect their containers platform and orchestration tools in Azure.