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Mises à jour mensuelles pour Azure Surveillance: avril 2020

30 avr.

Azure Monitor Logs—Concurrency query throttle is being rolled out

To ensure that Azure Monitor Logs will deliver a consistent experience for all users, a new concurrency limit is gradually being rolled out. This will help to protect against users sending an excessive number of queries at once, which could potentially overload system resources and jeopardize responsiveness.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Features
29 avr.

Azure Monitor for Containers support for Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4.X & OpenShift 4.X in preview


Azure Monitor for Containers is now extending our monitoring support for Kubernetes clusters hosted on Azure Red Hat OpenShift version 4.x & OpenShift version 4.x. This support is currently in preview.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Services
21 avr.

Custom views with view designer are migrating to Azure Monitor workbooks


Date de suppression cible : juillet 01, 2022

Azure Monitor is making changes to the custom views experience in Log Analytics Workspaces. Beginning March 2020, we will be replacing the View Designer tool with Azure Monitor Workbooks. Workbooks provide a flexible canvas for data analysis and the creation of rich visual reports within the Azure portal. They allow you to tap into multiple data sources from across Azure and combine them into unified interactive experiences.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Retirements
15 avr.

Azure Monitor for virtual machines is now generally available


Azure Monitor for virtual machines (VMs), which provides an in-depth view of VM performance trends and dependencies, is now generally available. Get key monitoring data about your Windows and Linux VMs to help you discover dependencies, identify hotspots, and troubleshoot issues faster with Azure Monitor for VMs.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Services
10 avr.

Java - Codeless application monitoring with Azure Monitor Application Insights in public preview


Monitor Java applications in any environment without changing the code with Azure Monitor Application Insights. A preview of the new codeless Java agent is now available.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Application Insights
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
8 avr.

Azure Monitor Logs new create workspace experience


Collect and analyze logs from your Azure estate using the power and flexibility of Azure Monitor Logs.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Log Analytics
  • Features
1 avr.




  • Azure Surveillance
  • Log Analytics
  • Management
  • Features


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