
This repo contains tested reference examples of using Python with Azure Pipelines.


This sample contains several Azure Pipelines for Python developers that showcase useful end-to-end patterns of varying complexity. All pipelines are in the .azure-pipelines folder and have been fully annotated and validated.

Pipeline results and sample Artifacts for the definitions contained in this repo can be viewed at the following Azure DevOps organization: az-samples


simple_package is a pure Python package with no external dependencies. It exists to give just-enough structure to show how to use Azure Pipelines with Python.


Build Status

Build a simple package against a single Python version


  • Building for a project contained in a repo subfolder (separate src/tests folders)
  • Choosing a Python version
  • Installing build dependencies
  • Linting (pylint and flake8)
  • Running tests (pytest)
  • Building a source archive and built distribution
  • Capturing build artifacts


Build Status

Build a simple package against multiple Python versions


  • Building for multiple Python versions
  • Capturing multiple artifacts per build


Build Status

Build a simple package against multiple Python versions, then upload it to Azure Artifacts (private PyPI)


  • Setting job dependency order
  • Conditionally running pipeline jobs
  • Disabling code checkout to control the pipeline environment
  • Downloading previously uploaded build artifacts
  • Authenticating to Azure Artifacts
  • Publishing to a private Artifacts feed


simple_server is a minimal Flask application that takes a dependency on simple_package from the Azure Artifacts feed. It can be run as a standalone Python application, or can be built as a Docker container image.


Build Status

Build a Python application that has a dependency on a package sourced from Azure Artifacts


  • Authenticating to Azure Artifacts for pip
  • Installing private dependencies
  • Distinguish between Python versions in pytest output


Build Status

Build a Docker image using an application that pulls dependencies from Azure Artifacts


  • Customizing the build artifact download path
  • Building a containerized Python app with Azure Artifacts
  • Using multi-stage builds with pip


This project has been configured for Python development with VS Code using the following extensions:

To get started, clone the repo, and run the following commands to get started with a new environment

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd azure-pipelines-python

# Create a virtual environment at .venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r -U --upgrade-strategy eager

# Install packages in editable mode
python -m pip install -e src/simple_package
python -m pip install -e src/simple_server

# Start coding! :)
code .
