• 1 min read

Azure Search and Backup available in Canada

We’re pleased to announce two services are now available in Canada: Azure Search and Azure Backup.

We’re pleased to announce two services are now available in Canada: Azure Search and Azure Backup. See below for more information.

Azure Search

Azure Search is search-as-a-service that helps customers build sophisticated search experiences into web and mobile applications. It is now generally available in Canada and deployed only to the Canada Central region. You can read more about the latest Search releases.

Learn more about Azure Search and view our documentation.

Register for the IaaS Backup preview

Azure Backup is backup-as-a-service that helps protect customers’ data. The Azure IaaS Backup feature is available in public preview in both Canada Central and Canada East. (Hybrid Backup will be released at a later time.)

Customers can execute the below PowerShell cmdlets to get access to the Canada regions:

To login to your Azure account from Windows PowerShell, type:

PS C:> Login-AzureRmAccount

To select the subscription which you want to register for preview, type the below and replace “Subscription Name” with your subscription name:

PS C:> Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName “Subscription Name” | Select-AzureRmSubscription

To register for the provider namespace, type:

PS C:> Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.RecoveryServices

To register this subscription for preview, type:

PS C:> Register-AzureRmProviderFeature -FeatureName RecoveryServicesCanada –ProviderNamespace Microsoft.RecoveryServices

It might take a while to register the subscription. Please wait for few minutes and execute the below cmdlet. Make sure that RegistrationState reflects as Registered. If not, execute the below cmdlet again after a few more minutes:

PS C:> Register-AzureRmProviderFeature -FeatureName RecoveryServicesCanada –ProviderNamespace Microsoft.RecoveryServices

It might take few minutes to reflect in the Azure portal. Wait for some time. Ensure to logout of any existing sessions of Azure portal and close the browser. Open the browser and login to Azure portal. Recovery Services Vault will be ready to be created in Canada geos.