Tres formas en las que las API sin servidor pueden acelerar la innovación empresarial
Con una arquitectura equivocada, las API pueden constituir un cuello de botella no solo para las aplicaciones, sino también para todo el negocio.
Con una arquitectura equivocada, las API pueden constituir un cuello de botella no solo para las aplicaciones, sino también para todo el negocio.
Las API se encuentran en todas partes.
It’s always been a tricky business to handle mission-critical processes. Much of the technical debt that companies assume comes from having to architect systems that have multiple layers of redundancy, to mitigate the chance of outages that may severely impact customers.
Personal computers revolutionized the way work was done. New software unlocked unprecedented levels of productivity, and for a time, business flourished. As the personal computer exploded in popularity, more and more software was created. For the individual, this was a golden age.
La innovación a escala es un desafío al que suelen enfrentarse las grandes organizaciones. Un factor clave que contribuye a este desafío es la complejidad de la coordinación de una gran cantidad de aplicaciones y entornos.
Starting the process of migrating to the cloud can be daunting. Legacy systems that are colossal in scale often overwhelm the average team tasked with the mission of digital transformation.
Serverless technologies are reshaping how we think about business. How, though, do important technological innovations such as autoscaling, fully managed infrastructure, and execution-based pricing make a tangible business impact?