Azure Maia for the era of AI: From silicon to software to systems
Fueling groundbreaking innovations, Azure AI infrastructure comprises of technology from NVIDIA, AMD, and our own AI accelerator, as we announced last November.
Fueling groundbreaking innovations, Azure AI infrastructure comprises of technology from NVIDIA, AMD, and our own AI accelerator, as we announced last November.
Congratulations to the PyTorch community on the release of PyTorch 1.2! Last fall, as part of our dedication to open source AI, we made PyTorch one of the primary, fully supported training frameworks on Azure.
As part of our ongoing commitment to open and interoperable artificial intelligence, Microsoft has joined the SciKit-Learn consortium as a Platinum member and released tools to enable increased usage of SciKit-Learn pipelines.
Today we are announcing that Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is production-ready. ONNX is an open source model representation for interoperability and innovation in the AI ecosystem that Microsoft co-developed.