• 1 min read

Azure DevOps Project – public preview

In today’s world, organizations need to innovate and get to market faster. That needs learning latest technologies, using them in your product and deploying at a faster pace. We are happy to announce the public preview of Azure DevOps Project.

In today’s world, organizations need to innovate and get to market faster. That needs learning latest technologies, using them in your product and deploying at a faster pace.

We are happy to announce the public preview of Azure DevOps Project. Azure DevOps Project helps you launch an app on the Azure service of your choice in a few quick steps and set you up with everything you need for developing, deploying, and monitoring your app.

Creating a DevOps Project provisions Azure resources and comes with a Git code repository, Application Insights integration and a continuous delivery pipeline setup to deploy to Azure. The DevOps Project dashboard lets you monitor code commits, builds and, deployments, from a single view in the Azure portal.

Key benefits of a DevOps Project:

  • Get up and running with a new app and a full DevOps pipeline in just a few minutes
  • Support for a wide range of popular frameworks such as .NET, Java, PHP, Node, and Python
  • Start fresh or bring your own application from GitHub
  • Built-in Application Insights integration for instant analytics and actionable insights
  • Cloud-powered CI/CD using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)


DevOps Projects are powered by VSTS and gives you a head start in developing and deploying your applications.  From the initial starting point a DevOps Project provides, you can very easily:

  • Customize your build and release pipeline – ex. add a test environment to your pipeline to validate before going to production
  • Use pull requests to manage your codeflow & keep your quality high
  • Track your projects backlog and issues right along with your application

Get started

Create an Azure DevOps Project now.

For more information about Azure DevOps project, please read our documentation and learn more about today’s announcements on the DevOps blog.