Retirement: Azure Lab Services is being retired on June 28, 2027
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Azure Lab Services will be retired on June 28, 2027 because of the availability of other Microsoft VDI services such as Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Azure DevTest Labs, and Microsoft Dev Box. If these services don’t meet your requirements, then we are suggesting that you review and choose one of the recommended partner solutions. Review the retirement guide for more details about the partner options.
If you are an existing customer of Azure Lab Services, you can continue to use the service till June 28, 2027. New customers, however, will not be allowed to sign up for the service starting July 15, 2024. We are committed to support you till June 28, 2027 for the service. After this date Azure Lab Services won’t be supported, and you will not have access to your lab accounts, lab plans, or labs.
Required action
To avoid any service disruptions, you are strongly recommended to transition to either one of the aforementioned Microsoft services or one of the partner solutions by June 28, 2027. To learn more about the Microsoft or partner solutions and transition, review this retirement guide.
Help and Support
If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Microsoft Q&A. You can also open a support ticket through the Azure portal for technical help: create a support request.