Updates Archives
Monthly updates for July 2014
Manage virtual machines in the Azure Preview portal
Use the Azure Preview portal to create, manage, and monitor your virtual machines.
Create SharePoint Server Farms in the Azure Preview portal
Deploying multi-virtual machine applications is easier than ever before. Create a three-server or nine-server SharePoint Server Farm by providing only a name, username, and password.
Azure PowerShell 0.8.4 and 0.8.5
Multiple updates for Azure PowerShell are included in our latest releases.
Reverse DNS support for Azure Cloud Services
We’ve added support for reverse DNS for all Azure Cloud Services at no additional cost!
Azure Storage is in the Preview Portal
We've added Azure Storage to the preview portal. Create accounts, view your containers, and monitor performance.
Rich VM Diagnostics now in the Preview Portal
Set up a monitoring experience that keeps track of new metrics.
Recommended Pricing Tier
The recommended pricing tier is the simplest way to select an offering.
Preview: Azure Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a fully managed service for advanced analytics in the cloud.
Event Hubs in public preview
Azure Event Hubs helps solve data flow challenges where you want to ingest, persist, and process millions of events per second.
Azure SQL Database now available in the Azure Preview portal
Manage your Azure SQL Database subscriptions using the new Azure Preview Portal.
General Availability: Microsoft Azure US Central and US East 2 regions
The US Central region in Iowa and US East 2 region in Virginia are generally available.
Preview: New sizes and regions for Azure Redis Cache
More options for the secure, dedicated Redis Cache, managed by Microsoft.
Pricing changes for Service Bus Queues and Topics
Service Bus Basic and Standard tiers provide price flexibility that better accommodate different use cases.
Azure Block Blob Storage pricing changed to 4 decimals
4 decimals gives you more accurate pricing for Azure Block Blob Storage.
General Availability: Backup and restore for Azure Web Sites
The GA release of backup and restore for Azure Web Sites includes lots of new tools and features.
General Availability: Internal Load Balancing
Host middle tier or backend applications behind a private IP address that is visible only within your cloud service or Virtual Network.
Updates by date
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Provide feedbackAzure is available in more regions than any other cloud provider.
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